Rheumatic profile, i.e. what tests will help detect rheumatic diseases

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Rheumatic diseases affect many Poles who are often unaware of the developing disease. In the diagnosis of rheumatism, tests that allow the detection of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus erythematosus are key. Detecting them at an early stage allows you to prevent dangerous complications, disability and premature death.

Rheumatic diseases – when to get tested for them?

Rheumatic diseases are a wide group of diseases that affect up to several million Poles. Most often, rheumatism is autoimmune and leads to chronic inflammatory changes in connective tissue. It is rightly associated with diseases of the skeletal system, as in many cases it affects joints, bones and cartilage. A set of tests known as the rheumatic profile helps to detect it.

Main indications for screening for rheumatic diseases have:

  1. disturbing symptoms of pain, joint and muscle stiffness, restriction of movement, swelling, skin changes; accurate and accurate diagnosis is made difficult by the fact that some diseases have non-specific symptoms or are asymptomatic in the initial stages of development;
  2. family history of rheumatic changes;
  3. monitoring health in the case of previously diagnosed rheumatic diseases.

Do you have muscle and joint pain? Try a set of hemp cooling gels that you can buy on Medonet Market. It gives relief to tired muscles and stiff joints, and helps reduce chronic pain. Also perform a test package. Rheumatological prophylaxis – blood analysis. In this way, you will check your health in terms of rheumatic diseases.

Untreated rheumatism – what is its risk?

The developing rheumatic diseases are accompanied by bothersome symptoms. In many cases, these are worsening pain, problems with movement in the case of diseases within the legs or the spine, as well as with everyday activities when rheumatism affects the hands and hands. Early treatment gives a chance for disease remission, although it does not guarantee it. On the other hand, the lack of any therapy may have serious consequences.

As an aid in the treatment of rheumatism, we recommend drinking an infusion prepared on the basis of For rheumatism and joint diseases – a herbal mixture available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. For rubbing, we recommend Regenerating Goose Fat Balm, which has a warming effect and relieves pain.

Untreated rheumatism or insufficient treatment are associated with the risk of multi-organ complications or attack by diseases of the kidneys, lungs, heart, blood vessels or the nervous system. As a consequence of changes in the body, rheumatic diseases can lead to disability and, in extreme cases, may be life-threatening.

Rheumatic diseases require constant contact with a doctor. Now you can visit your home without leaving your home. At haloDoctor.pl you can make an online teleconsultation with a rheumatologist. Take advantage today.

Do other tests as well:

  1. Basic profile – what tests will assess overall health?
  2. Child’s profile, i.e. what tests to perform in a small child
  3. Hormones under control, i.e. the hormonal profile for women

Rheumatic profile – key research and prices

In the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, tests are used to detect disturbing changes. Individual tests may be useful in detecting specific rheumatic diseases. The rheumatic profile consists of the following tests:

  1. Complete morphology. Basic examination allowing to detect disturbing changes taking place in the body gives a general overview of the patient’s condition. The results may indicate infection, inflammation, or anemia common in rheumatism patients. The price of a complete complete circulating blood count performed privately is approx. PLN 10.
  2. OB study. Biernacki’s test is an indicator of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate – if it is elevated, it is information about inflammation, which may be a sign of, inter alia, for autoimmune and rheumatic diseases. A particularly high score – reaching three digits – appears in people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The cost of ESR measurement is PLN 5-14 on average.
  3. CRP study. It allows you to determine the concentration of C-reactive protein in the blood. Its level increases with bacterial and viral infections. CRP is often measured in parallel with ESR because both are inflammatory indicators, but CRP responds much faster to any changes. If the concentration of this reactive protein is elevated, it may indicate RA. The price of a CRP test is about PLN 12-15 in a private clinic.
  4. RF – rheumatoid factors. Determining the level of RF is an important test in the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases. Increased RF concentration may indicate RA, Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic sclerosis or lupus erythematosus. We will pay from 10 PLN to 40 PLN for the RF test, depending on the method of determination used in a given laboratory.
  5. The Waaler-Rose test should not appear in the results of tests of healthy people, because it informs about the phenomenon of erythrocyte clumping. Its presence may indicate rheumatoid arthritis, other connective tissue diseases, but also cancer. The price for the laboratory determination of the Waaler-Rose reaction is on average PLN 10-13.
  6. The concentration of uric acid in the blood serum. Uric acid test results may suggest gout, which is sometimes the cause of pain in the joints. The cost of the examination may be PLN 6-8.
  7. Anti-CCP. The anti-CCP antibody test performed in parallel with the RF test can distinguish between RA and other types of arthritis. Moreover, thanks to the anti-CCP test, rheumatoid arthritis can be detected at an early stage of the disease – even before the onset of symptoms. Determining the anti-CCP level costs from 30 to 70 PLN.
  8. ASO, or antistreptolysin. On the basis of the antistreptolysin concentration test, streptococcal infection can be ascertained. Some microorganisms from this group can cause the development of rheumatic changes. The price of the ASO level test is about PLN 10-15.

Rheumatic diseases affect not only the joints, but also the muscles, tendons, ligaments, skeletal system and even internal organs. Fast and correct diagnosis is therefore extremely important here. You can buy a set of laboratory tests for rheumatic diseases at Medonet Market and perform them in Polmed facilities throughout the country.

The above-mentioned tests are performed by analyzing a blood sample taken from the patient through a vein in the arm. The determination of all the necessary indicators facilitates the selection of a package focused on the detection of rheumatism, i.e. the rheumatic profile.

Take care of your joints today with NA JOINTS – a herbal kit available on Medonet Market. This set includes:

  2. Fix tea FOR JOINTS,

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