ReZigiusz’s girlfriend had a stroke at the age of 27. It appeals to users of hormonal contraception

At the end of April, Remigiusz Wierzgoń, known online as ReZigiusz, confessed that his girlfriend was hospitalized. It was only after a few weeks that it turned out that the influencer’s partner had suffered a stroke. Now she appeals to other women and pays attention to the performance of tests, especially before deciding on hormonal contraception.

  1. Weronika, 27, suffered a stroke in April. As she explained, she does not know what caused it. She is now well, but has not fully recovered, which she is working on in a specialized center
  2. Youtuber’s partner appealed to other women and paid attention to performing tests before taking hormonal contraception
  3. Risk factors include, for example, genetic predisposition, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, smoking, alcohol abuse
  4. Can contraception cause a stroke? Indirectly: yes »comments Krzysztof Kucharski, a gynecologist
  5. More similar content on TvoiLokony home page

Weronika suffered a stroke at the age of 27. Already in the first post after the tragic event, she appealed to observers to investigate. She added that she lacked it and, consequently, her life changed completely. The woman has a long way to full fitness, but she does not give up, and her relatives support her in the fight. On the other hand, Youtuber added in his entry that “the situation is dynamic”.

She suffered a stroke and did not regain full fitness

A month after the stroke, a woman wrote on the web that she had no idea what the cause was. Although she is fine, unfortunately she is not fully functional, but she has ended up in a facility where she will be working to get her back to pre-stroke function.

I am able to gently move my left leg, but the hand still does not respond. Today I came to the clinic, where I will fight every day to regain full fitness. Going alone to another room, taking a shower alone, this is now my dream for which I will fight and for sure if I achieve it, I will share it with you

she explained.

Weronika appealed to other women and asked them to be checked regularly for their health, but also for their relatives. In the entry, she drew attention to the performance of tests, especially before taking hormonal contraception.

«I do not know the cause of the stroke that happened to me and I do not wish it to anyone. You can always be safe than sorry. Many people write to me who, unfortunately, also had a stroke, at a very young age. For some, contraception was the cause … Girls, if you’re using hormonal contraception, go get your blood clotting test. I am writing this here to make you aware of how important it is that this does not happen to any of you, because it is a really tough fight. Ask your doctors and take care of your health » she wrote.

Stroke – risk factors

A stroke is a group of neurological symptoms that result from sudden stoppage of blood flow to the brain.

There are modifiable risk factors (those that we have influence and can change) and non-modifiable risk factors (they are not subject to change and we have no influence on them).

The risk factors include, for example, genetic burden, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, smoking, alcohol abuse.

Contraception and stroke

What about contraception? Can it cause a stroke?

«Indirectly: yes. If the patient has a history of blood clotting disorders, has had abnormal blood clotting tests, or if, for example, she has a genetic predisposition to clot, for example because she is a carrier of the genes that cause it, this may happen. And if we turn on contraceptives, she’s at an increased risk of stroke, varicose veins and thrombosis. (…) We do not prescribe contraception to patients with an increased possibility of thrombosis and stroke » Krzysztof Kucharski, a gynecologist from the Damian Medical Center, said in an interview with the portal

Your doctor advises you to undergo tests before taking hormonal contraception.

Even seemingly healthy women are always tested because there may be hidden things – replies the doctor. If the tests show any irregularities, we do not give this type of funds to the patient. (…) When a woman experiences numbness in her legs, she should stop taking birth control pills immediately


Medgen The medical center has prepared a mail-order hormone test for women who intend to start hormonal contraception – check the offer HERE.

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