Reye’s tumor – where does it appear? Treatment of Reye’s tumor in infants and children

Syn.: Infantile digital fibroma.

Def .: It is fibromatosis located on the fingers of infants and children (Extension finger).

Epid .: Babies and toddlers.

Etiol .: It is congenital but not inherited.

Lock: The fingers are more often involved than the feet, the thumbs and toes are usually not involved.

Clinical: The disease is characterized by round, domed, smooth, hard, bluish-red nodules. These changes appear in infancy, but can also occur from birth.

Hist .: Fibrous tumor.

Heal: Cryosurgery that accelerates healing.

Year: Good.

Lit.: [1] Reye R.D.K.: Recurring Digital fibromas of childhood. Arch Pathol 1965, 80; 228-31. [2] Albertini J.G., Welsch M.J., Conger L.A. i wsp.: Infantile digital fibroma treated with mohs micrographic surgery. Dermatol Surg 2002, 28; 959-61.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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