«Revolutionary» eye drops instead of glasses

According to Jewish News, Israeli scientists have developed “revolutionary” eye drops that can correct myopia or farsightedness and eliminate the need for glasses.

The so-called “nano-drops” developed by a team of employees from Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials and doctors at Sha’are Zedek Medical Center could revolutionize ophthalmology with the latest technology and also prove to be a salvation for those who are “doomed” they are on the glasses.

They proved successful in tests carried out on pigs. Human clinical trials are planned for this year.

If it turns out that the drops improve vision, then “nano-drops” can replace glasses and “revolutionize ophthalmic and optometric treatment”.

How do they work? First, the patient has to scan his eyes using the smartphone application. In this way, the refraction will be examined and their “laser pattern” will be created. Then, using the drops, an appropriately shaped «sticker» will be developed to cover the surface of the eye’s cornea.

Based on: Jewish News

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