Reviews and results of the buckwheat diet

Reviews and results of the buckwheat diet

It is impossible to call the buckwheat diet easy. It is very tough, as it implies a strict restriction in the menu. However, thanks to the buckwheat weight loss program, you can get rid of 10 kg in just a week. The main advantage of buckwheat is that it allows you not to feel hungry for a long time and at the same time cleanses the intestines. Adhering to the buckwheat diet, you can get rid of skin diseases.

The average duration of a buckwheat diet is 7 days. Then you need to take a break, which should be at least a month. During weight loss, not only excess fat will go away, but the severity of cellulite will also decrease. It is known that even very young representatives of the weaker sex face this problem in the modern world. Therefore, do not be surprised that the buckwheat diet is one of the most popular weight loss methods among people of all ages.


Reviews and results of the buckwheat diet

The opinion of doctors and nutritionists

Reviews and results of the buckwheat diet

The leading nutritionist of the Lotus weight loss center notes that the buckwheat diet is very effective, which follows from the numerous positive reviews about it. However, we must not forget that it has certain disadvantages, and not just advantages.

For example, a diet consisting of only one buckwheat and kefir can hardly be called diverse. In addition, the buckwheat diet should not be practiced by people with diseases of the digestive tract. During the diet, do not engage in active physical labor.

Most people tolerate the buckwheat diet hard, so you should not eat according to such a monotonous pattern for more than 10 days. No one can give a guarantee that after the completion of the “test”, a person will not again break down and start overeating. If this happens, then the body will very quickly make up for everything that has been lost.

So that extra pounds do not return in double volume, you will need to eat right throughout your life. Moreover, it is also impossible to do without physical exercises. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another method of losing weight, you should carefully evaluate all its pros and cons.

In the case when a person really has obesity, then self-treatment is not worth it. After all, obesity is a disease.

Nutritionist Lyudmila Nikolaevna:

Remember that any diet that involves the use of one product is not the best way to get rid of excess weight. The body will begin to suffer from a lack of nutrients, since there is no such product on Earth that would allow covering all the needs of every human cell.

You should be prepared for the fact that after the diet is canceled, the lost kilograms will return. To lose weight correctly, you must definitely exercise and eat healthy food. I strongly do not recommend anyone to sit on a buckwheat diet for a long time. The maximum period is a week. Definitely this diet is not suitable for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

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