Reviews and results about the protein diet

Reviews and results about the protein diet

Reviews of people who have tried the protein diet on themselves indicate that you will not be able to get an instant result. During the first two days, no negative feelings bother a person, but from the third day, constipation may begin to haunt. You can get rid of it, but for this you need to drink as much water as possible and eat bran.

In the reviews, you can find information that a protein diet not only allows you to reduce weight, but also gives other positive effects. For example, in some of those who are losing weight, the condition of the nail plates has improved, the quality of sleep has improved, the volume of the abdomen has decreased, bags under the eyes have disappeared, and swelling from the lower extremities has subsided.

Thanks to the protein diet, it is possible to lose about 5 kg of excess weight in the first week, and up to 2 kg in another 3-10 weeks. As a result, in a month you can get rid of 15 kg.

Karolina, 22 years old, writes: my trainer suggested that I try to improve my figure with the help of a protein diet. I agreed, since the technique does not imply a strict restriction on the menu: you can eat meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs. I didn’t need to lose weight. My goal is to turn from an “eternal thin girl” into an athletic, fit girl. I am going to my dream systematically, and the result makes me very happy.

Writes Denis, 29 years old: going to the gym without protein foods will not achieve the desired result. The good news is that meat is a great source of protein. For a man, this is the best diet. I’d rather eat chicken every day than rolls. I don’t want to get fat. I go to the gym every other day, and I also strictly follow the rules of the protein diet. The result is visible to the naked eye. I am very pleased with my reflection in the mirror.

Writes Madina, 26 years old: thanks to the protein diet, life sparkled with new colors. It turns out that you need so little to be happy: just get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. All my friends now admire my appearance, and men compliment me. The protein diet is not my first experience of losing weight with the help of a menu correction. However, before I always broke down, because I could not overcome the feeling of hunger. But on “protein” days there is no such problem! The products are very satisfying, and you can eat up to 6 times a day. I want to talk about the problem that I had – it’s sagging skin on the stomach and on the sides. On the recommendation of a friend, I signed up for a gym, began to go for a massage. As a result, the issue was resolved very quickly, and now I look just stunning.

Alexandra, 34, writes: when I decided to try a protein diet, my weight didn’t really go beyond the norm, but there were still excesses. Therefore, a small correction would not hurt. I managed to lose four extra pounds in just one week. I didn’t improvise with the menu, I took the option that was offered on the website on the Internet. Besides the fact that I ate according to the plan, I also twisted the hoop. The waist has become thinner and the sides are gone, but you need to exercise regularly. If you gather all your will into a fist, eat right and exercise, then the ideal figure will become a reality, not a dream.

Valentina, 36 years old, writes: I can’t find an explanation, but for some reason the protein diet didn’t help me cope with excess fat at all. This is my first attempt at weight loss with a diet and it failed. The only positive effect of the changes in the menu is a feeling of lightness in the body, and the swelling has also gone. Now I think, maybe I misunderstood something and did it wrong, so the weight didn’t shift. Nevertheless, I will not experiment anymore, for a start I will go to see a doctor.

Yana, 29 years old, writes: I have been on a protein diet for the second time. For the first time I managed to get rid of 5 extra pounds, now I’m counting on a similar result. Be sure to take vitamins every day so that immunity does not suffer. I supplemented the diet with Enterosgel, which allows me to get rid of constipation and, in general, bring bowel function back to normal. When it comes time for a snack, I try to eat only fresh fruits or vegetables. Separately, I want to note that I did not experience any weakness during the diet. I lead an active lifestyle and am full of energy.

Writes Zinaida, 34 years old: I tried many diets and chose the protein weight loss program. The worst thing for me is the feeling of constant hunger, I can’t bear it and I break down. However, on a protein diet, I am always full. If you try it for the first time, then I advise you to fast a week before the start, to remove excess toxins from the body. For this purpose, you can use fruits, vegetables or cereals. This will avoid acne on the face, which often appears when eating protein foods in large quantities.

Reviews and results about the protein diet

Writes Galina, 31 years old: having crossed the line of 25 years, I realized that it is becoming increasingly difficult to follow the figure. To begin with, I tried to drink teas for weight loss, they certainly allowed me to get rid of extra pounds, but I had to constantly go to the toilet. Therefore, I refused them. My next step on the way to the ideal figure was diet. I have tried a huge number of them. But I soon realized that a severe hunger strike was not for me. And now, after a while, I accidentally read about the protein weight loss system. I liked it immediately and I decided to try it. As it turned out, not in vain. Since then, 3 years have already passed. During the first attempt, I lost 6 kg in just 2 weeks. Then I repeated my experiment. I managed to lose another 4 kg. Here came the third year, and I decided to try the protein diet for the third time. The last result is minus 4 kg. Moreover, weight loss occurs without harm to health, and it is also very easy, because I do not feel hunger at all.

Elizaveta, 25, writes: I heard a lot of reviews about the protein diet, moreover, more positive than negative, so I decided to try it. I really didn’t feel hungry, there was enough food to go full all day. However, my result was zero, the arrow on the scales did not even move. I read somewhere that a protein diet can be practiced once a year. I’ll try it next year, maybe I’ll have better luck.

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