Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

Granovsky’s honey extractor has gained popularity among beekeepers due to its ease of use. The possibility of continuous operation for a long time allows you to quickly pump out honey in small and large apiaries. The device lends itself to self-production, but in terms of performance it is inferior to the factory counterpart.

Device device

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

It should be noted right away that the Granovsky apparatus was designed for the design of the frames of the Dadan hives. The design consists of a stainless steel body in the form of a large barrel. Inside there are cassettes for attaching frames. The inner drum is made of ordinary metal with a protective polymer coating. The rotation of the cassettes is carried out by an electric drive.

Important! The tight connection of the joining elements of the honey extractor eliminates the occurrence of leaks.

The cassettes are connected to the rotor by a spring mechanism. Simultaneous reversal during operation prevents honeycombs from sticking. The rotor rotates on a bearing pair. Manual drive and electric motor are located under the tank. If necessary, the elements are easy to remove and install in place. The electric drive is controlled by the included remote control.

What are the types of honey extractor Granovsky

Different models of Granovsky’s devices differ in the number of cassettes for frames that fit when pumping out honey, as well as their functionality. For small models designed for 2, 3 or 4 frames, the cassettes do not rotate. The device is in demand by the owners of a small apiary with a maximum of 10 hives. The honey extractor differs in compactness, small weight, low cost.

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

Owners of medium-sized apiaries containing about 40 beehives are best suited for Granovsky’s semi-professional apparatus. It is designed for four frames, but the cassettes are installed rotating. The principle of operation, control is simple and similar to household models. The only difference is the increased performance.

Industrial and private professional apiaries consist of more than 40 beehives. Large volumes of honey are pumped out by Granovsky apparatuses with six or eight rotating cassettes. The case is equipped with a capacious honey-collecting pocket. Drainage of honey is carried out without filters.

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

The release of Granovsky honey extractors has been established by many manufacturers. The most famous in the domestic market is Bi-Prom. Models of this company are equipped with a flat bottom. For analogs of other manufacturers, the bottom is made in the form of a cone.

The manufacturer Bi-Prom completes its devices with two types of electric drive. Models operating on 12 volts are more convenient to use in an apiary where there is no mains. The connection is made to the battery. Models operating on 220 volts are more powerful and productive. Such honey extractors have received greater recognition from beekeepers.

On the video overview of the honey race of Granovsky:

Honey race Granovskogo 4DA-12 Automatic. Overview.

Principle of operation of the device

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

The convenience of the honey extractor is in two modes of operation:

  1. In manual mode, the rotating rotor stops after the honey is completely removed from one side of the frames. Cassettes rotate. Further pumping occurs with the rotation of the rotor in the opposite direction.
  2. In automatic mode, the rotor constantly rotates until all the honey is pumped out from both sides of the frames.

The beekeeper chooses the operating modes at his own discretion. If necessary, set the duration of work, the signal for the completion of pumping out, the duration of the stop of the rotor for the rotation of the cassettes.

The sequence and rules of work are displayed by the instruction. In general terms, do the following:

  1. Frames filled with honey are placed in cassettes.
  2. The beekeeper sets the mode, additional options, starts the device by pressing the start button.
  3. The honey extractor rotor starts to rotate. From slow speeds, there is a smooth acceleration to the set speed.
  4. When all the honey is pumped out of the frames, the rotor slowly reduces the speed of rotation and stops.

If there is still honey in the combs or it was quickly pumped out before the rotor stopped, the mode was selected incorrectly. The beekeeper, through practical selection, sets new parameters.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Granovsky honey extractor

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

The honey extractor is an individual beekeeper’s equipment. Each owner for himself reveals the positive and negative sides. In general terms, the Granovsky apparatus has the following advantages:

  1. Small size is determined by the type of model, for how many frames the device is designed for. In general, all honey extractors are compact, convenient for transportation by car.
  2. The use of thin stainless steel allowed the manufacturer to reduce weight. The honey extractor is easy to carry around the apiary by hand.
  3. The indisputable advantage is the high speed of pumping honey.
  4. Thanks to the electric drive, continuous work is established until all frames are free of honey.
  5. The operation of the Granovsky apparatus is easy to control. Simple maintenance consists in washing at the end of work. All breakdowns that are not related to electronics are easy to fix on your own.
  6. The cost of a honey extractor is available to an ordinary beekeeper.

The thin stainless steel body resists light impacts. There are no dents on the walls. Stainless steel is easy to clean and corrosion resistant. The absence of closed areas simplifies cleaning.

Granovsky’s apparatus is universal. It is used permanently and in the field. Any honey extractor is suitable for amateur and professional apiaries. Only performance depends on an incorrectly selected model.

Important! Granovsky’s apparatus does not crush fresh honeycombs.

Beekeepers speak well of the honey extractor, but they identify three of its shortcomings:

  1. It is difficult to fix a heavy metal crane on a thin body. Stainless steel plays. If you apply great force, the body can be deformed.
  2. The manufacturer did not think over the reliable fixation of the legs. From vibration, they weaken, a roar appears.
  3. With the filling of the tank with honey, the speed of rotation of the frames decreases, and productivity decreases.

All shortcomings are minor and easily eliminated. Instead of a metal faucet, they put a light plastic counterpart. The fixation of the legs is checked before each pumping out. The tank is not overloaded with honey. The container is emptied after filling more than 40 liters.

How to disassemble and assemble the Granovsky honey extractor

The assembly of the honey extractor is carried out according to the attached instructions. The device comes from the factory in a package of rails. Wooden crate protects the body from mechanical damage during transportation. The actuator with control unit is supplied in a separate box. After unpacking, they are installed on the honey extractor. The drive is bolted under the housing from below. The pulleys are connected by a belt drive.

According to beekeepers, difficulties may arise during the installation of the control unit. If you simply bolt it to the body, the mounting plate presses the corners of the honey extractor lids, and they do not open.

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

The problem is solved by cutting the corners of the covers. The material is easily cut with a hacksaw blade for metal.

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

As an option, the block can be fixed with a fixing plate under the cross bar. Lids will open freely without sawn corners. However, such mounting is not possible if the rotor axis is displaced.

The disassembly of the Granovsky apparatus occurs in the reverse order

Is it possible to make a Granovsky honey extractor with your own hands

Reviews about Granovsky honey extractor

For self-assembly of the Granovsky honey extractor, it is optimal to choose a model for 2, 3 or 4 frames. The body will serve as an old washing machine. The tank should not be aluminum, but stainless steel and covered with a lid. The drain hole at the bottom is used to fix the tap through which honey is taken. The tank is placed on legs. The height is determined individually so that a container for draining honey crawls under the tap. On the opposite side of the crane, a counterweight is attached.

The drive is used native from the washing machine. For the manufacture of the rotor and cassettes, it is best to familiarize yourself with the design of the factory honey extractor from a familiar beekeeper. The dimensions of the elements will have to be calculated individually for the available tank.

A home-made honey extractor is much inferior in performance to Granovsky’s factory apparatus. Incorrect rotor and cassette size calculations will result in imbalance. A working honey extractor will rattle, break honeycombs.

Advice! It is better to buy a honey extractor factory-made. It is advisable to refuse homemade products.


Granovsky’s honey extractor will save the beekeeper from exhausting manual work. If you follow the instructions, use it carefully, the device will work for many years and quickly pay off.

Reviews of beekeepers about Granovsky’s honey extractor

Vasily Petrovich Shevtsov, 59 years old, Moscow region
Last year I bought a four-cassette honey extractor. Apiary of 10 hives, but I plan to expand. After the first launch, the device seemed frail. The body vibrated slightly during operation, but the honey was pumped out quickly. As a result of the season of use, there is still a positive opinion about the purchase.
Evgeny Vladimirovich Konovalov, 47 years old, Rostov Region
I have an apiary of 30 hives. I took the honey extractor with six cassettes. Initially worried about the electric drive. I was afraid that the motor would not pull. The device justified itself from the first season. The pumping modes work and are conveniently programmed. The motor does not overheat during operation.

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