The sphere of alcoholic beverages is still able to impress not only the usual lover of swelling, but also a real alcoholic gourmet! Today we will make a kind of review of the wildest and most unimaginable alcoholic beverages.
Why don’t people drink! It would seem that we, who know firsthand how polish is cleaned and “drilled” BF glue, will not be surprised by all sorts of alcoholic filth. But it was not there! The sphere of alcoholic beverages is still able to impress not only the usual lover of swelling, but also a real alcoholic gourmet! Today we will make a kind of review of the wildest and most unimaginable alcoholic beverages.
People do not kill beer …
Violent fantasy and non-compliance with sanitary standards are destroying people.
It would seem that what could be more ordinary and traditional than beer? However, in different parts of the world, the preparation of this drink is approached in completely different ways! We have already talked about diabetic prickly pear cactus beer. But it turns out that this is far from the limit of exotic!
Bilk – Japanese beer with milk
The history of the appearance of the drink is very prosaic. In Hokkaido, at that time, milk was produced in abundance and there was nowhere to sell it. One enterprising farmer agreed with a local brewing company, whose specialists invented the complex Bilk recipe. Due to the low boiling point of milk and the high starch content, it was not possible to simply replace water with it. But the technologists coped with the task, and the Japanese accepted the new unusual booze well. True, English-speaking tourists are in no hurry to buy it. The fact is that the word “bilk”, derived from “beer” and “milk”, in translation means “to deceive.”
The Japanese are generally a slightly perverted nation, and their oddities are fully manifested in drinks. Here, for example, there are such “charms” as chocolate beer, beer infused with sardine fry, cucumber soda, a drink prepared from pork placenta and a milkshake with the taste of human milk. What can we say: the east is a delicate matter!
The strongest beer in the world
The American 27% Utopia Beer, the 41% Scottish Sink the Bismarck and the German Schorschbock compete for this “honorary” title, the alcohol content of which reaches 43°!
Why make such an alcoholic beer is not clear. But the market is a stubborn thing, so brewers are trying to outdo each other and surprise buyers. By the way, Boston “Utopia” is recognized as a very pleasant drink. It is brewed from malt harvested in Austria, Moravia and Bavaria and contains maple syrup. After brewing, the beer undergoes a year of aging in cognac barrels. Yes, and they drink it like brandy – in small sips, as a digestif. It is understandable – the price of a 0.75-bottle reaches 150 bucks.
pizzabeer. Pizza brewed beer
Many people love pizza and beer. But beer-pizza from the craft American brewery “Mamma Mia” surprises even connoisseurs! Tom and Athena Seafurth, a young family from Illinois, make more than just pizza-flavoured beer. The recipe includes a real Margarita – before cooking it is ground into dust and infused in boiling water, from which standard ale is then brewed. The drink acquires a strong and recognizable aroma of tomatoes, oregano, garlic and cheese.
spruce beer
His homeland is alternately called the States, Scotland, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, and the approximate date of invention is the XVII-XVIII century. Now Spruce Beer is produced worldwide only by a small Wigram Brewing factory in New Zealand.
This drink has long been brewed from fresh spruce branches, to which sugar or molasses was added. Initially, the purpose of production was not gastronomic, but medical – a spruce drink helped against scurvy. They say that Captain Cook himself gave them water to the sailors. Such beer was very popular in Canada until the middle of the last century – it was brewed in almost every home and consumed all year round.
Fijjtu – hallucinatory African beer
Fijjtu is a true horror epidemiologist. The “chip” of this drink is the water from which it is made. Water is drawn directly from local swamps, along with mud, algae, parasites and other living creatures. The water is not filtered or purified. Local residents often brought themselves to glitches with this miraculous drug, for which they called it “God’s dew”. Fortunately, the authorities shut down the Fijjtu plant and the genocide of the population stopped.
In the animal world
Well, how not to remember all sorts of exotic nasty things like vodka with snakes or frog tinctures! They drink, and how they drink! Moreover, many of these drinks are not just a lure for tourists, but a completely traditional product, which is even credited with healing properties. But first things first.
Poison snake tincture
The recipe and production technology was originally Vietnamese, but later such booze became popular throughout Indochina. True, they do not consume it for pleasure … or rather, just for pleasure, only for another – male strength greatly increases from tincture. The peculiarity lies in the fact that not only a whole cobra is put into the bottle, but also its poison is poured. Alcohol neutralizes the poison, but leaves its healing properties. In China, they prepare their own version of the drink on gecko lizards, and live ones.
Tincture for newborn rats
This Korean drink is a flayer’s dream! For its manufacture, low-quality rice vodka is used – it is poured with rats or mice, naturally alive. According to the recipe, the best raw materials are animals that have not yet had time to open their eyes. It is believed that animals during a painful death give the drink the life-giving energy “chi”. Again twenty-five – tincture increases potency. Needless to say, it is bought mainly by tourists suffering from sexual (and mental) disorders?
Mummified human finger cocktail
And this is a total charm! This cocktail is served in the Canadian bar “Sourtoe Cocktail Club”. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter what exactly you drink – whiskey, brandy, beer – the main thing is that a rotten finger from a human leg lies in a glass. Where they get their fingers is a mystery. To the honor of the institution, it must be said that it is closed to outside visitors and is rather a closed club, which can only be entered by invitation.
Gods of Marketing
What to do if you have opened the production of alcohol, and the buyer is in no hurry to purchase it? Ask these guys!
Malört is the ugliest alcoholic drink on earth
The consumption of Malört liqueur, recognized as the most vile in the world, is considered a kind of sport
Mallort (Mollort) is a wormwood schnapps made in Chicago according to a Scandinavian recipe. The Americans did not like this really not the most appetizing drink with a bright bitter taste and a whole range of unpleasant aromas. When it turned out that the drink was not for sale, the manufacturer decided to do the opposite – launched an original advertising campaign, as a result of which eminent bartenders recognized Malört as the most disgusting drink, which only 2 people out of 100 can normally drink. That’s all they buy – they want to be among these two.
Everclear – the strongest liquor in the world
No, well, really strong – there are options for sale at 75.5 and 95 °. But why not call such a drink just alcohol? Quite right – then it will not be sold! Needless to say, this liquor is especially popular in the States, which are greedy for cheap advertising moves! However, there are also pluses – American lovers of homemade tinctures do not have to rack their brains where to get alcohol – it is sold in any market.
Booze “in a rich way”: tincture on gold
There are at least 2 of them – the Polish “Goldwasser” and the Swiss “Goldschlager”. There is only one essence – the drink is “insisted” on golden scales. This ultra-expensive alcohol is drunk exclusively from cheap show-offs – for some reason I see several bottles in the bar of some Timati or Zverev. Some, for the same show off, use golden tincture pure, without filtering, and get what they deserve – terrible pains and wounds of the gastrointestinal tract caused by a hardly soluble metal.
Whiskey “Gilpin Family” with … human urine
It seems to me that this drink is consumed by the same category of people as the previous one – the same lovers, so to speak, of “golden rain”. Of course, before making whiskey, urine is purified and turned into ordinary water – the same is done, for example, on spaceships. Of course, in the process of double distillation, there is no trace of it. But it’s still gross! Moreover, the manufacturer – designer James Gilpin – specifically focuses on the fact that urine is added to whiskey exclusively by pensioners, and necessarily by diabetics. Esthete!
In general, remember – any exotic is good, if only it is designed to make the taste and aroma of alcohol more vivid, original and expressive. The Rum Diary encourages you to use only high-quality drinks and not to fall for dubious provocations, the purpose of which is to cut money from a gullible buyer. Know what you are drinking – and it will not be easy to deceive you!