Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”

Under the Pervach brand, moonshine stills are produced by the Ural Plant of Household Products (UZBI). There are three models in the line (pictured) from left to right: Pervach Economy, Pervach Super-Elite and Pervach Elite-Aroma. We will review these models and configuration options.

By the way, from above it is not just a stainless corrugated hose, but a whole Pervach Dachno-Derevensky moonshine still. However, it is also a sin to count as a model. Although it is sold well and has, according to the manufacturer, the largest productivity among the Pervachs – 3 l / h.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
The lineup

The differences between the devices are that “Economy” is made without a steamer, “Elite-Classic” – with a non-collapsible dryer, and “Elite-Aroma” with a collapsible dryer, which has a container for flavors inside.

Flavor container and coil

The container is a pleasant surprise, which manufacturers of much more expensive devices usually do not bother with, saving on the safety of buyers.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”

All models have the same flow-through serpentine cooler with a capacity of up to 2 l / h when distilling mash.

Of the shortcomings of these distillers, it is worth noting a thin tube between the steamer and the cube. Considering that the fitting embedded in the cover has a half-inch thread, it was probably worth increasing the diameter at least three times.



The variety of the model range is provided by a variety of cubes. In the basic configuration, there is a cube made of food grade stainless steel 1 mm thick, with a narrow neck with a diameter of 4 cm and a capacity of 12 to 30 liters, which has an emergency pressure control valve. It can be equipped with a bimetallic thermometer, then the letter “T” is added to the name of the device, for example, “Pervach Economy 12T”.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Cube in economy configuration

Cubes are not suitable for induction cookers and heating elements. Their element is gas or electric stove. The cube diameter for models with a capacity of 12, 16 and 20 liters is 23 cm, for 30 liters – 27 cm, which allows you to work with a heating power of up to 2 kW without the danger of increased uncontrolled foaming.

For those who want to save money and are simply nostalgic for their grandmother’s apparatus, a cube is produced in the form of a milk can made of food-grade aluminum with a diameter of 22 cm, a height of 37 cm and a capacity of 10 liters. Naturally, it is not suitable for induction and glass ceramics, but it provides a taste and smell of rubber in moonshine due to the gasket under the lid. Well, if you are nostalgic, then to the fullest! The fact that the apparatus was equipped with such a cube is reflected in the name of the model by the word “PEOPLE”.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
The rubber gasket in the People’s package worsens the quality of moonshine

We must pay tribute to the Ural Plant of Household Products – for this cube, the manufacturer found the strength to push the installation of an emergency pressure control valve into the cost price. Available with thermometer.


For those who want to get the word “Elite” in the name, more expensive cubes have been created. In fact, this is a saucepan with a capacity of 14, 17 or 20 liters, 1 mm thick, with a removable lid that is attached to the cube with three clips.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Pervac Elite

The capsule bottom received after modernization in 2016 made it possible to use all types of furnaces, including induction. The cubes are completed with overpressure valves, a thermometer and a silicone gasket.

In this case, the wall thickness is clearly insufficient. Traces of spot and argon welding inside the pan attract attention. In places where clips and handles are welded, the metal is almost burnt through. This quality does not inspire confidence.

Users also complain about the quality of the gasket between the steam pipe and the lid of the cube, it is simply cut after the first installation. It is advised not to lose heart and cut a new one out of a plastic lid from a jar. Cheap, cheerful and works. In fact, it was necessary to use a steam pipe with a diameter corresponding to the fitting, this would slightly increase the cost of the product, but solved a lot of issues.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Build quality could be better

Super Elite

Well, the last version of the cube gives the proud prefix “Super-Elite” to the name of the Pervach distiller model. In fact, these cubes are a little cheaper than the previous ones, but the word “Super” quite compensates for this.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Pervac Super Elite

Before us is an ordinary pressure cooker, cut in half and elongated by welding. The volume has been increased to 14, 17 or 20 liters. I must say that this is a very good decision. The lid is wide and comfortable, equipped with an overpressure relief valve and a thermometer. The thickness of the inserted tank wall is 1,5 mm. The bottom is multi-layered and suitable for any stoves. The quality of the seams, to put it mildly, is clumsy, this can be seen even in the promotional photos on the manufacturer’s website. In reality, the picture is even bleaker.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Seams are far from elite

It is worth noting that this cube also formed the basis of the Home Cellar autoclave. For quite understandable money, a pressure gauge and a plug appeared on the lid at the place where the moonshine still was attached. Plus a cassette for placing cans. As a result, 22 half-liter or 12 liter cans are placed in a 6 liter cube. A wonderful excuse for my wife – I bought the thing I needed in the household, and the distiller went into the load, really two in one.

Review of moonshine stills “Pervach (Economy, Super-Elite, Elite-Aroma, Dachno-Derevensky)”
Two in one: autoclave and moonshine still

The lineup

All options for completing the Pervach moonshine still – three and a half models and 4 options for cubes of different capacities. But when their combinations with reflection in the names begin, it is very easy to get confused. For example, “Pervach Super-Elite Aroma 14T” or “Pervach Narodny Dachno-Rural 10”. In the first case, this refers to a moonshine still with a collapsible steamer and a cube based on a pressure cooker with a capacity of 14 liters, equipped with a thermometer, and in the second, a corrugated pipe with an aluminum can without a thermometer.

Pros and cons of devices “Pervach”


  • small diameters of the cubes do not imply the possibility of their use with more powerful refrigerators or the insertion of a heating element. If in the future there is a desire to switch to more productive equipment, then you will need to buy everything from scratch;
  • small diameters of cubes with a high height of 20-30 liter specimens make it extremely difficult to use them for column-type apparatuses, and the Elite variant with its thin walls and lid generally makes this idea inappropriate;
  • lack of taps for draining bards, although even for a 16 liter cube this is true, let alone 20-30 liter ones;
  • poor quality of seam processing, and minor or invisible parts from the outside are even worse;
  • thin steam pipes between the cube and the reflux condenser can easily become clogged.


  • in their price category, Pervach devices have one of the best configurations;
  • the presence of a two-in-one option with an autoclave increases the versatility of products;
  • devices meet the specifications declared by the manufacturer.

For honest advertising, the Ural Plant of Household Products deserves deep respect. This is so rare…

Conclusions and upgrade options

In general, these are simple and cheap moonshine stills for beginners who will occasionally brew moonshine or just want to try their hand at this hobby.

Pervach distillers do not provide for evolutionary development and modernization, and they do not need to be finalized to obtain moonshine.

If you want to improve, you will have to put this device on a shelf or, with a clear conscience, give it to a neighbor, and buy equipment from scratch for yourself.

Reviewed by IgorGor.

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