Reverse push UPS – this is a power exercise for the triceps, which is weight loss. The reverse pushup is one of the easiest and most effective exercises weight loss that targets the muscles of the triceps. So, the reverse push UPS: what is, how to perform and how to modify exercises for beginners and advanced?
Reverse push UPS: technique
The triceps is the triceps brachii which is located on the back of the hand from shoulder to elbow. If we talk about exercises with the weight of his own body, the triceps can swing with classic push-UPS or push-UPS from the bars. But there is a more simple and accessible exercise for this muscle group – back push-UPS.
Reverse pushups are suitable not only for women but also for men who can’t do push-UPS from the bars. For this exercise you need a bench or chair, but can also be wrung out from a floor, without additional inventory. These push-UPS not only help strengthen the triceps, but to get rid of fat on the back of the hands. Exactly there is laxity and sagging, when you long time not training.
The technique of reverse push UPS:
1. Place the hands at shoulder width on the sports bench or stable chair. Come closer to the bench, your elbows should be as close as possible to the body. Pull feet in length in front of you, slightly bend at the knees, the heels resting on the floor. The straight arms also slightly bend the elbows so as not to damage joints
2. On the inhale slowly bend your elbows to lower your body to the floor until the shoulder and forearm form a 90 degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench, back straight. At the bottom of the movement hold for 3-5 seconds.
3. On the exhale, pushing off from the bench, straighten your elbows and return to starting position.
4. Throughout the exercise keep your back straight, do not slouch. try to lower the shoulders, not pull their ears when lowered and raised the body.
When straightening, try to keep the elbows soft and slightly bent, this will help to reduce the load on the elbow joint. If you feel discomfort in the elbow joint after exercise, correct technique dips or discontinue this exercise. Also, you should not perform this exercise in chronic diseases of the joints.
Reverse push-UPS on the bench are similar to or, in other words, more lightweight version of the dips. If you want to learn how to do push-UPS on the bars, start to reverse back pushups on the bench on a regular basis to prepare your muscles. Reverse push-UPS from bench, you can perform even for beginners (see below for a simplified modification).
Reverse push UPS: benefits of implementation
1. This is a great exercise for the triceps with the weight of his own body.
2. You will not need additional weight, you can do this exercise at home even without equipment.
3. Suitable for both beginners and advanced.
4. Helps to get rid of sagging on the problem area of the arms, with its back side.
5. This version of the push UPS easier to perform than push-UPS on the uneven bars and the classic pushups.
6. Reverse push-UPS will prepare your muscles for more complex strength exercises: push-UPS on the bars.
The number of repetitions dips:
- Beginner level: 5-6 reps in 3 sets
- Intermediate: 10 repetitions in 4 sets
- Advanced: 15-20 reps in 5 sets
Reverse push-UPS on video:
Reverse pushups: embodiments
1. Reverse pushups for beginners
Reverse pushups can be simplified if you keep your legs bent, not straightened. The closer you get to put the foot to the bench (that is, the more bent legs), the easier it will be to perform the exercise.
2. Reverse push-UPS with support on a bench: for advanced
If you are in the gym (or if you have all the necessary equipment at home), it is possible to complicate reverse push-UPS, assuming that you keep your feet on the bench. This is an option for advanced. In this case, you additionally will involve your abdominal muscles and stabilization muscles. This option should only be done when you have learned to do a regular reverse push-UPS with support feet on the floor.
If you don’t have a second bench, you can rely on feet on big dumbbells, like so:
If you further want to complicate the exercise, put on his knees the extra weight (the drive from the bar or dumbbells).
3. Reverse pushups
If you don’t have a bench or stable chair, then reverse push-UPS you can perform from the floor:
4. Reverse pushups with feet touch
If you want to intensify the exercise and weight reduction, it is possible to perform reverse pushups with feet touching. This option exercise additionally includes the work of the abdominal muscles and buttocks so you pull several muscles and burn more calories.
See also the related other exercises:
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- Side strap for waist and belly: how to perform + modifications
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Arms and chest