Want to restore shape and lose weight after childbirth? Start to engage in the program Tracey mallet Get Your Body Back. You will be able to regain their shape with specially designed interval workout for the whole body. The complex is very efficient, so you can follow this program not only after childbirth, but in any other period of your life.
Description of the program from Tracey mallet for weight loss after delivery
Almost every woman faces the problem of losing weight after childbirth. Tracey mallet has created a great program, with which you will get rid of unwanted pounds and be able to return your body to its Dobermann form. Of course, with the child not much time for self-improvement, but classes Tracy fast and efficient. Her workout will give you energy for the whole day.
The coach engages the most problematic areas of the body: hands, stomach and thighs. But unlike most similar programs, you will not engage in isolation on a particular muscle group. Almost all the exercises Tracy’s assume that your whole body. It really is a quality method of getting rid of excess weight.
The program consists of several segments:
- Warm-up (4 minutes)
- Anti-cellulite workout for thighs and buttocks (10 minutes)
- The first level of difficulty, which includes 3 fat-burning short segment (20 minutes)
- The second level of complexity that includes 4 fat-burning short segment (25 minutes)
- Stretching (3 minutes)
During the first and second level of complexity you are going to alternate weights and cardio exercises to not only strengthen muscles, but to burn maximum calories. Almost all training takes place at a high pace. You will build muscle, burn fat and increase your metabolism.
Start with 20 minutes a day and then gradually increase the duration. If you have readiness, you can immediately train for an hour. Tracey mallet advises to do at least 3 times a week. Exercise suitable not only for losing weight after childbirth, but in any other period of time.
You will need dumbbells from 1 to 4 kg, preferably two pairs of different weight. Please note that the complex involves a large number of exercises for arms and shoulders, so it is better to take smaller dumbbells weights. If you are just starting to do fitness, we recommend you to see: Detailed exercise program after giving birth at home.
The pros and cons of the program
1. With this program, Get Your Body Back you will be able to lose weight after childbirth, tone the muscles, improve the metabolism, to work out the problem areas of tummy and hips.
2. Training interval. Throughout the classes you will return to cardio exercises for intense fat burning. All 60 minutes will be maintained fat burning pace.
3. Cardio exercises are repeated often, but they are quite short, making it easier to move the complex to those who doesn’t like a hearty load.
4. Most of the exercises involve the right upper and lower part of the body. The more muscles included in the work, the more intense is the training and the more calories you burn.
5. The program includes two phases. Start with a gentle 30-minute, and gradually move to more intense half.
6. Tracey mallet offers the typical exercises for example crunches, which is not always desirable to perform after delivery. However, you will work the abdominal muscles using other exercises from a standing position.
1. Throughout the class, there will be a serious burden on the arms and shoulders. Perhaps even too much.
2. Training is quite intensive and is more appropriate for those who have experience in fitness. If you want to lose weight after childbirth, but sports have not done before, take the minimum weight dumbbells and perform simplified versions of the exercises.
Start your journey of losing weight after childbirth today. Tracey mallet has prepared for you an excellent program in order to enable you to get in shape, tighten the tummy and hips, to get a boost of energy and positivity. But if you like doing workouts based on ballet, we also advise you to watch: Ballet workout: ready fitness plan for beginner, intermediate and advanced level