Return to childhood and become happier: series in the subject

Not everyone’s childhood was a wonderful, carefree time. It happens that the memories of the early years are full of pain and bitterness. It seems easier to just slam the door to that old life, never return there – even mentally, start all over again. But this is not the way out. There, in the past, are the answers to our today’s questions. And sooner or later you will have to come back for them. Several episodes about it.

“Sharp Objects”

Arriving with an editorial assignment in her hometown, the young journalist seemed to have returned to her childhood. And the pain of past injuries became her inspiration.

The childhood and youth of Camille, the heroine of Sharp Objects, is scarred like her body is now: the despotic care of her mother, an aristocrat and a pillar of the local society, the death of her beloved sister from an undiagnosed disease, experienced violence, a psychiatric clinic and … hot, humid, enveloping air , the airlessness of the American South, the possessions of Faulkner and Styron, the South, which also did not overcome its traumatic sin – black slavery.

This baggage Camille pulls for a whole adult life. And here she is at her intermediate point – where an irresistible, unhealed craving for self-mutilation, alcoholism, deliberate loneliness and only one friend. He is her editor at a newspaper in St. Louis and believes in Camille, even though all her strength goes into just getting on with her life. But he sends the loser to the town of her childhood to write about the investigation into the murders of two teenage girls. Crimes, terrible in their senseless cruelty. Irrational, like the events of Camille’s past here. Deprived of motive, how her life is now.

That is why it is more important for her to understand what and who is behind the crimes than for anyone in her town. And that is why the memory of herself as a child, herself as a teenager, the events of that time and vague conjectures force Camille to overcome herself today, destroyed and exhausted. And to find, if not the killer, then at least one more victim – in yourself.

Patrick Melrose

Merloes is forced to deliver the ashes of his father, who died in New York, to Britain. What makes him disturb the ashes of childhood, guilty of what he has become: a cynic, a drug addict, an alcoholic. But also an aristocrat of the spirit and an intellectual …

“Sheldon’s Childhood”

The series finally brings to our attention the circumstances in which an amazing character, remarkable mind and … emotional impenetrability of the physicist Sheldon Cooper from the already cult sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” were formed.

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