Retired couple: Relationship reset

Love relationships help to find balance and give joy, strengthen self-confidence. The couple, in which both became pensioners, is going through a “renaissance era”: creating a new style of relationships, habits, rediscovering each other.

Search for a new harmony in an adult couple

For years, you’d run off to work in the morning, nodding to each other and saying, “See you tonight!” Now, after gaining freedom from going to work, you are faced with the fact of each other’s twenty-four-hour presence in an apartment or house. In a new life, everything needs to be invented anew. The first condition for harmonious coexistence is to have a personal space, your own corner in which you can retire to read, write a letter or goof off.

It may be necessary to rearrange furniture or arrange housing in order to comply with the condition of two own spaces. This “sanitary” norm will allow you not to be constantly under the scrutiny and control of each other. As you spend more time with each other, learn to make concessions, smooth things over, remind yourself that everything is relative.

In parallel with this, take care of independence and independence, take time for yourself. Sign up for a course or a master class, start attending creative classes, lectures, join a volunteer movement or join a public organization.

Be free to express yourself

In order to achieve a new agreement in a couple and not allow disputes that most often arise on domestic grounds to poison a benevolent atmosphere, try to organize life: redistribute household duties, give each other the opportunity to observe their interests without compromising their life together. To do this, both must have freedom of speech, as well as proposals and decision-making, spontaneous and sincere self-expression.

This is an important condition for peace and mutual respect. Often at this age, the spouses, spending much more time together, open up to each other from a new side, pleasant surprises await both.

Keep the fire of desire alive

The new reality and the changed rhythm of life can be badly experienced by both or one of them. Retirement is stressful for many, don’t let fights ruin your love relationship. Continue to give affection, tenderness, attention, give loving glances, as in youth. Don’t let routine ruin your sex life, the fire of desire needs to be fueled.

Do not lock yourself

Now you have more time to spend together. It is important to maintain or renew contact with others, this enriches the life of a married couple. Family well-being and balance also depend on communication with acquaintances and friends, joint activities in which you involve friends. The social environment, communication with – a source of expanding horizons. Try to invite your friends to dinner or play cards more often, go to the theater, go for walks. From this, love and friendship will only benefit.


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