Retinol facial peel

Retinol peeling, or Yellow Peel, is able to renew skin cells without damaging them. We tell you what his secret is, why he is called “yellow” and why he is loved by old and young.

What is retinol peeling

Of all known peels, retinol (aka retinoic) is the most unusual. The main active ingredient is retinoic acid. It would seem that since it is an acid, then according to its status it is supposed to damage the cells of the epidermis so that the skin replaces them with new ones.

However, this is not the case with retinoids. The fact is that retinol does not damage anything, does not cause a chemical burn and does not have a keratolytic effect. Where, then, does the effect of skin renewal and peeling come from?

Now let’s explain: lipophilic and very small molecules of retinoic acid quickly overcome the stratum corneum and rush to the basal layer of the skin, where cells are born, and accelerate their production, and at times. Newborn cells, as they should be by nature, begin to gradually rise upward, to the surface of the skin, in order to take their rightful place there. But since the “young growth” arrives en masse, the skin has to quickly make room for it and shed old cells. Hence the peeling effect and the name “peeling from the inside”.

Retinol resurfaces the skin from within.


Considering the mechanism of action, it becomes clear why the standard classification – superficial, medium, deep – is not relevant for retinoic peeling. If you operate with the concept of depth, it is always deep, as it works from the inside.

Another thing is that the effect of renewal and the degree of peeling can be different, depending on:

  • concentration of the main substance;

  • exposure time.

Indications for use

Retinoic peeling has many indications, but it will respond best to:

  1. aging skin with wrinkles and signs of photoaging;

  2. acne prone skin, including scars, pigmentation and red spots.


In addition to the renewal that any type of peeling provides, retinol has an anti-aging effect, as it interacts with fibroblasts – collagen suppliers and melanocytes responsible for pigmentation. In other words, “peeling from the inside”:
  • tightens and tightens the skin;

  • smoothes fine wrinkles and reduces deep ones;

  • evens out pigmentation.

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Retinol peeling at home

And there can be no question of doing this peeling at home on your own. Despite the compositions of varying degrees of intensity (including rather mild ones), “yellow peeling” is a professional procedure. It is done by specialists in salons and clinics. Dot.

All you can afford is cosmetics based on retinol in a working concentration. You will definitely get the renewal effect with all the ensuing pleasant consequences, but only it will be gradual, without obvious peeling and with minimal risk of irritation.
However, keep in mind that retinol is a very active ingredient that can cause temporary redness. Therefore, even homemade cosmetics must be used wisely, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
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Carrying out the procedure in the salon

Retinol peeling protocol is selected individually

Retinol peeling is a yellow mask (hence the common name Yellow Peel – “yellow peeling”). The composition is rubbed into the skin of the face, but further events can develop in different ways.

Peeling is kept on the face from 15 minutes to several hours, washed off, and sometimes reapplied during one procedure. It all depends on the indications, the manufacturer of the product and the individual scheme that the cosmetologist selects.

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Safety measures

A high concentration of retinoids increases:

  • skin sensitivity;

  • susceptibility to infections;

  • photosensitivity.

Often, swelling and redness occur against the background of yellow peeling, but this is a normal reaction that disappears with proper care and precautions taken. What to do?
  1. Eliminate any acids from everyday life.

  2. Cleanse the skin with gentle cleansers.

  3. Moisturize with special products recommended by a beautician.

  4. Protect skin from the sun.

Retinol peeling is not done during the period of solar activity. But even in autumn and winter, the skin will require increased protection from ultraviolet radiation in order to avoid the manifestations of hyperpigmentation.

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Tips and reviews of cosmetologists

Retinol peeling – seasonal procedure

Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara believes that retinol peeling is generally a safe procedure, the intensity of which can be varied. Even the maximum course is quite short, only 4-5 procedures. However, “joking” with retinoids should not be. Remember:

“Yellow peeling is excluded during pregnancy and lactation, liver diseases, ultraviolet irradiation (including already obtained tan). Also among the contraindications are any damage to the epidermis, even just a cracked pimple.
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Overview of products with retinol in the composition

Since there are no homemade Yellow Peel products, we have selected for you a small collection of cosmetics with retinol or retinoids in their composition.

Intensive concentrated anti-aging care Redermic Retinol, La Roche-Posay

Contains two types of retinol: pure retinol and sustained release retinol. The goal is to improve the tolerance of the product to sensitive skin while maintaining all the working qualities of retinol, that is, to achieve an even skin texture, as well as reduce wrinkles and age spots.

Retinol 1.0 High Performance Night Cream, SkinCeuticals

This high concentration Retinol 1.0 formula can be trusted to address a wide variety of concerns: wrinkles, uneven skin tone and dullness. As a precaution, soothing, regenerating ingredients, such as chamomile extract, are also included in the composition. Scheme of application: during the first week, use 1 time in 3 days, then every other day, and then daily.

Balancing cream “Revitalift” for mixed skin, L’Oréal Paris

Contains proretinol A, fibroelastil and oils to firm the skin, effective in smoothing out wrinkles.

Anti-Aging Retinol Daily Serum, Kiehl’s

Due to the strict dosage of pure retinol, as well as ceramides that strengthen the skin barrier, it is suitable for the first acquaintance with retinol. After three months of use, the skin becomes visibly firmer and smoother, and wrinkles are reduced.

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