Retimax – composition, properties, application

Retimax 1500 ointment is recommended for topical application to the skin in the event of dehydration and dryness, also in the event of irritation, abrasions or peeling of the epidermis.

Retimax 1500 – action

Retimax 1500 ointment have regenerative properties on irritated epidermis. Soothing action it also applies to minor burns or frostbites that occur in everyday conditions. The application of the ointment Retimax It turns out to be helpful in the care of cracks in the corners of the mouth, combating light sunburns caused by too long using the solarium or soothing irritations related to chemical peeling or tattooing treatments. Ointment Retimax it can be used by infants and children in connection with chafing caused by the use of diapers, as well as for lubricating and moisturizing the skin in daily care. They do not exist contraindications for use Retimax even in the youngest.

Retimax – opinie

Although Retimax 1500 ointment is an inexpensive product, many positive opinions about the beneficial effects of using the preparation have recently appeared on internet forums and blogs. Retimax 1500 it is valued above all for being extraordinary properties moisturizing and greasing, and long-lasting effects, comparable to top-shelf cosmetics. Bloggers recommend using Retimax 1500 ointment for hands (especially for dried cuticles or after nail care treatments), as a protective ointment for the face during frosts and as a wonderful remedy for dry and cracked feet.

Ointment Retimax It is also highly appreciated by people looking for the perfect moisturizing of the skin under the eyes and a cheap but effective cream for wrinkles.

Depending on the type of skin Retimax it can be used topically or as a cream on the entire face. According to some reviews, the application of a thick layer of ointment Retimax in the form of a mask, and then washing it off makes it perfect nutritional effects.

Retimax – composition

Action ointment Retimax is related to the use of vitamin A in its composition (also called retinol, axophthol or provitamin A). Vitamin A is valuable for our body due to its participation in the processes of growth and development of tissues, and its deficiencies lead to unpleasant skin changes. Sometimes vitamin A is called the “vitamin of youth”, which is why most wrinkle creams contain it in their composition.

Reservations as to the composition of the ointment Retimax may be evoked by the presence of paraffin and mineral oil, which have a comedogenic effect, i.e. clog pores. Therefore, the ointment Retimax it is not suitable as a make-up base and will not work as a face cream for people prone to oily skin or clogging the pores of the skin. An ointment is best Retimax use topically or as a night cream 2-3 times a week.

Retimax for a tattoo

Tattoos are gaining more and more popularity. Each person who decides to use this form of skin decoration should be aware that the skin after tattooing requires proper care. Retimax ointmentDue to its numerous nourishing and soothing properties, it is perfect as a means of supporting skin healing after tattooing.

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