Resveratrol helps fight prostate cancer

Professor Michael Nicholl, the author of the study, set out to see how prostate tumor cells respond to zeratrolbecause we have known for some time that this molecule increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy used to treat various forms of cancer of this gland. This time, scientists under his leadership wanted to see if the same beneficial effects could be achieved by combining resveratrol with radiation therapy. Resveratrol has been found to stimulate the production of two proteins known as perforyna i granzym B. Both of these proteins target harmful cancer cells throughout the body. Prostate cancer cells naturally contain both of these proteins, but resveratrol allows them to be produced even more, which significantly increases patients’ chances of defeating malignant cancer cells, which is associated with full recovery. Prof. Michael Nicholl says: crucial is that both perforin and granzyme B proteins are present to kill cancer cells. And we found that resveratrol helps increase their activity in prostate cancer cells.

After using the combination therapy – resveratrol and radiotherapy – scientists found that many more tumor cells were killed than with radiation therapy alone. It is also important that this mixture kills all types of prostate cancer cells, including the most aggressive ones.


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