The concept of “antioxidants” has become almost synonymous with the word “antiage”. These substances help the body cope with the oxidative stress that we are exposed to every day. One of the first in the list of the most powerful natural antioxidants is resveratrol.
What is resveratrol
Resveratrol is a phytoalexin. Nature has awarded some plants with the ability to synthesize such a drug substance to effectively protect against infections, toxins, ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature changes and other adverse environmental influences. Man, discovering this miracle of nature, of course, explored its useful properties. And took up arms.
Useful properties of resveratrol
Resveratrol has gained the greatest popularity among experts in anti-aging – slowing down aging. Indeed, a more elegant way to prolong life and youth than the moderate consumption of good red wine (no more than one glass a day) is hard to imagine.
Red wine and chocolate – a French recipe for longevity
The “French paradox” – the enviable longevity of the French compared to other Europeans – is partly explained by their loyalty to red wine, rich in resveratrol. Largely thanks to this substance, wine only gets better over the years. That would be the same for people.
Numerous laboratory studies have shown that resveratrol:
beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels;
prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
reduces the likelihood of cancer (especially the digestive system);
in overweight people reduces the risk of developing diabetes and helps to lose extra pounds.
Moreover, resveratrol turned out to be one of the few substances that are able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and penetrate directly into the brain.
Studies have shown that this powerful antioxidant helps keep the capillaries (tiny vessels) clean, which ensures good memory at any age. Resveratrol has also been found to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
An important discovery: with short-term use, resveratrol is an effective remedy against infections, and with long-term use, it becomes a key component of protection against serious inflammatory processes (up to appendicitis, peritonitis, sepsis).
Where is contained
This miracle substance can be found:
in dark grapes – especially in the skin and seeds (which is why grape juice is incomparable in saturation with resveratrol with red wine);
blueberries, blackberries, cranberries;
Resveratrol isn’t just found in grapes
Where and what is it used for?
Anti-aging medicine
Resveratrol, which at one time literally blew up the medical community, has become a popular dietary supplement, which is used as one of the anti-aging medicines. Of course, no one dares to argue that taking resveratrol is enough to stop the aging process at the cellular level. However, using its potential for local application is a promising direction.
In cosmetology, resveratrol demonstrates maximum effectiveness precisely with direct contact. That is, when applied to the skin, its antioxidant properties are more pronounced than when taken orally in capsules. That is why it is advisable to use it as an active ingredient in creams.
Resveratrol is much more powerful than the popular antioxidant vitamins E and C.
Resveratrol is used in anti-age medicine and cosmetology
As you know, one of the main factors in skin aging is ultraviolet radiation. Resveratrol, on the cellular level, prevents the negative effects of sunlight, preventing photoaging. This is not the end of his skills, because even resveratrol:
promotes healing micro-inflammation and damage caused by the toxic atmosphere of the metropolis;
helps self-healing cells; resveratrol has proven to be so effective that it is even used in the treatment of skin cancer.
Who is recommended
If we talk about cosmetic products with resveratrol, they will be useful to anyone who wants to keep the skin young and smooth. In particular, residents of megacities and environmentally disadvantaged regions.
…and not recommended
Due to the high activity of resveratrol products, they should be used with caution during pregnancy and, of course, with a tendency to allergies. And if you decide to drink resveratrol as a dietary supplement, first consult with your doctor.
Means with resveratrol
Resveratrol BE Antioxidant Night Gel, SkinCeuticals
The composition of the formula, in addition to resveratrol, includes several active substances:
be noticed (an extract from the root of the Baikal skullcap) is also well known as an antioxidant and dietary supplement for prolonging youth;
alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E) is justifiably called the “beauty vitamin”.
The gel provides powerful protection against oxidative stress, stimulates the process of cell regeneration, restores skin elasticity and radiance. Suitable for both women and men. How to use: Apply 1-2 drops of the product with massaging movements in the evening on cleansed skin.
In this formula, resveratrol works in tandem with the powerful antioxidant baicalin to oxygenate the skin and repair skin from oxidative stress. Can be used in two ways: as a night or express treatment to give the skin a “breath” after a hard day’s work.