Kefir diet can be called one of the strictest, but at the same time one of the most effective weight loss methods. With its help, excess weight disappears almost instantly. The basic product is kefir, thanks to which it is possible not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to cleanse the body.
Many famous people use kefir diet. So, Larisa Dolina constantly adheres to it. A weight loss program based on this wonderful fermented milk drink was compiled for her by professional nutritionists. The singer does not hide the fact that she owes her magnificent figure to the kefir diet. L. Dolina has been sitting on it for more than 30 years and feels great. And it was thanks to kefir that she got rid of 30 kg of excess weight in just 6 months.
The benefits and harms of this diet
Kefir is a miraculous drink. It is completely natural, as it is obtained from whole milk. Fermentation in kefir is achieved by lactic acid bacteria.
Kefir contains vitamins A and B, it has magnesium and calcium. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates from kefir are very quickly absorbed by the body and are not transformed into fat reserves.
Lactic acid bacteria from kefir produce substances that cannot be found in any other product.
The benefits of kefir are determined by its unique composition:
Kefir is an excellent source of a huge amount of nutrients;
The drink has a low calorie content;
One serving of kefir can quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger;
Kefir contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes;
Thanks to kefir, the digestive organs begin to work in full force;
Drinking a drink allows you to quickly remove excess water and salts from the body;
The biocenosis of the intestinal flora returns to normal;
Fats begin to break down faster;
Toxins leave the body.
Therefore, a kefir diet will allow not only to lose weight, but also to put your own health in order.
Kefir can be harmful only when it is consumed by people with such diseases as: increased acidity of the stomach, pathologies of the kidneys and organs of the digestive system. In this case, you need to refuse to take the drink in significant quantities.
Diet on kefir – reviews and results
Doctor’s comments
Doctors have an ambiguous attitude to the kefir diet. Studies have shown that the body remembers dietary restrictions and subsequently regains the kilograms that were lost. Some people who lose weight with the help of a kefir diet indicate that they had headaches, dizziness appeared, and fatigue increased.
Doctors do not recommend practicing such mono-diets for longer than 2 days. You can diversify your menu with other products. You need to eat often (up to 6 times a day), but in small portions. As practice shows, the kefir diet, which is supplemented with other products, is much easier for the body to tolerate.
You can not practice the kefir diet for people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and digestive organs. It is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. It is quite logical that pregnant and lactating women should refuse such a diet.
Conclusions about the kefir diet
So, the kefir diet allows you to get rid of excess weight, and do it in a short time. The effect of this method of losing weight in all people is different. Until a person tries to stick to the kefir diet on his own, he will not be able to adequately judge the results. In addition, there are many options for the kefir diet, so you can choose the most suitable program for yourself.
Doctors are wary of the kefir diet. However, they rarely approve of any methods of rapid weight loss. Like any other weight loss method, the kefir diet has its contraindications. If they are not there, and kefir is your favorite drink, then why not try to adjust the weight with it. This is especially true for those people who want to get a quick result.
It is important to pay attention to the following points:
You should not stick to a diet for longer than 3-6 days, despite the reviews of other people. It is not recommended to practice a weight loss program on this fermented milk drink more than 2 times in 30 days. Otherwise, you can disrupt the immune system.
If there are skin problems, then the kefir diet should be abandoned.
Kefir diet is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers and adolescents.
You need to get out of the diet smoothly and gradually. Portions should be small.
Do not forget about physical activity.