Movie «Gentlemen of Fortune»

This bad man Vasily Alibabaevich dropped a battery on my leg … It hurts!

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Restraint is accuracy, or even stinginess in speech and expressive movements, dictated by respect for interlocutors or the interests of the case.

Restraint is associated with the natural characteristics of people (Scandinavians and the British are usually more restrained than their southern neighbors in Europe — Italians and Spaniards), but is determined to a greater extent by the nature of education.

In a family where restraint is accepted, children develop the habit of reacting with restraint. Where expression and impulsivity are accepted, children also yell directly.

Restraint is more often characteristic of well-mannered people who do not allow impulsive negativity as well as excessive enthusiasm, sometimes frightening others.

On the other hand, restraint is characteristic of people with an average emotional tone. People in a high emotional tone are less restrained, but their intemperance is very positive and rather pleases those around them, like the satisfied cries of people playing.

Restraint should not be confused with poverty in speech and expressive movements. They say about restraint when a person has expressive wealth, could speak loudly, brightly and colorfully, but does not attract undue attention to himself and restrains himself. Reasonable restraint is an indicator of good breeding.

Similarly, inhibition and emotional stiffness from fear is not restraint. Fear makes speech inadequate, the general emotional meaning of speech is lost, while in a restrained speech all the accents are in place and understandable.

Due to greater resistance to stress, it is easier for women to be restrained, however, women more often than men take a childish position and allow themselves intemperance, which often becomes a habit and a trait of a female character.

«Pronounced» restraint, if it is manifested in a wide range of situations, is called «equanimity.»

How to deal with holding back your anger, anger, irritation and other aggressive emotions

Restraint in behavior, the ability to restrain one’s negative feelings is an indicator of internal culture and good breeding, an indispensable attribute of a business and simply successful person. If you do not wind up emotions inside yourself, then restraint in behavior and expression of your feelings is not at all harmful. See →

Restraint — expressiveness according to Cattell

In the Cattell test, restraint is opposed to expressiveness.

​​​​​​​See →

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