Restoring vision in children: 4 effective exercises

Modern medicine offers many different methods to help restore normal visual acuity with farsightedness and myopia. A special gymnastics for the eyes has been developed, aimed at eliminating mild forms of strabismus and astigmatism (unfortunately, the pronounced degree of this pathology increasingly requires surgical treatment). Below are a few exercises to improve vision that are suitable for both adults and children.

Method 1. “Step gymnastics”

Restoring vision in children: 4 effective exercises

Contributes to the improvement of accommodation processes, rapid recovery of visual acuity. In order to teach the child the technique of execution, it is first better to master the entire technique on your own.

  1. Stand at a distance of 1 meter from the window.

  2. Extend a straightened arm in front of you with your palm facing you, examine all the lines on it.

  3. Slowly move your gaze to the window frame and carefully examine it.

  4. Look out the window. Focus on an object located within 50 meters of it. If it is a bush or a tree, look at the leaves, large and small branches.

  5. Find with your eyes an object located at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the window. If this is any building, take a closer look at its windows, consider the loggias.

  6. Then move your gaze to the clouds, somewhere high, to infinity.

  7. Gradually return your eyes to the skin pattern of the palm, moving your gaze in the direction of the building tree frame of the palm.

Repeat the exercise several times, each time focusing your eyes for 5-10 seconds on each of the objects in question. Training helps to strengthen the accommodation apparatus, because it forces the eye to focus on the required distance given to it.

Visual gymnastics should be performed for 3 minutes on “each step” and for 3 minutes “through the step”. You should always finish the exercises smoothly, paying attention to each step.

 With significant loads on the visual apparatus (reading books, working at a computer, embroidering, etc.), it is better to perform the technique hourly.

Exercises are recommended for performance from the age of five. The younger the child, the more he needs clarification from an adult on their technical implementation. At an older age, it is enough to simply motivate a child that gymnastics will improve his vision and help him get rid of his glasses. In order for a teenager to master the technique, it is usually enough to explain to him all the exercises 1-2 times.

Method 2. “Digital gymnastics”

Before doing it, warm your palms by rubbing them together. Then close your eyes with one or both hands. The eyelids under the palms should be lowered. Mentally draw the numbers from 1 to 10 in front of your eyes in forward and reverse order. Try to keep the range of eyeball movements as wide as possible.

Do the exercise for no more than 2 minutes. After completing the gymnastics and opening your eyes, you will definitely notice that the objects around you have become brighter and have acquired clearer contours.

Having understood the essence of the technique, try to explain it to the child. In the initial stages, do the exercises with him. Over time, the child will just need to be reminded to regularly conduct them.

“Digital gymnastics” is especially relevant for people who often experience large visual loads. When a student does homework in the evenings, the technique is recommended to be carried out hourly.

Given that these gymnastic exercises significantly improve the blood supply to the visual apparatus, they are recommended for people suffering from glaucoma, cataracts, and people with retinal pathology. In combination with the “Step Method”, these exercises relieve eye fatigue well and help moisturize the eyeballs after working at the computer.

Method 3. “Point gymnastics”

Restoring vision in children: 4 effective exercises

Its purpose is to improve visual acuity.

Take a white sheet and use a black felt-tip pen to mark 10 points in one line with a distance of about 0,5 cm between them. If visual acuity is significantly reduced, an inter-spot interval of 0,7 cm is acceptable. Place the sheet at a distance of 40 cm in front of you. You should clearly see the points, if you wish, it is easy to count them. Have your helper gradually move the sheet away from you, stopping every 20 cm. Pay close attention to the dots. As soon as it becomes impossible to see them and they merge with each other, the exercise can be completed. Measure the distance from your eyes to the points, remember it. Perform gymnastics within this distance: move the sheet closer and further away from you, but do not increase the specified distance. Exercises are recommended to be done three times a day for 3-5 minutes.

Together with other components of complex treatment, the technique has a good effect and significantly improves visual acuity.

Teach your child these exercises. Make sure he does eye exercises daily. The technique will have the maximum benefit when performing the complex at least 3 times a day. Once a week, you need to measure the distance from the eyes to the point where the points merge into one line. Gradually, this distance will begin to increase and you can see the real effect.

Also, “Point gymnastics” is recommended for people over 40 years old who suffer from a decrease in near visual acuity. The principles of the methodology are the same. But the sheet with dots must be placed not at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes, but at such a distance from which it will be possible to distinguish them (for example, from a distance of 60 cm). It is required to look at the points at a closer distance than the one from which the exercise was started. Over time, it will be noted that the eyes become less tired after reading books, after working at the computer.

Method 4. “Visual arc”

The exercise is recommended for both schoolchildren and adults. It is indicated with a decrease in visual acuity, with accommodation disorders, with the complex treatment of computer syndrome.

Sit on a stool in front of a window. Take a look at your knees, examine them carefully. Slowly move your gaze up. Stop it on every object around you for 20-30 seconds. Move your eyes outside the window, visually examine the objects on the street. Focus on the window frame, curtains. Then point your eyes down. Examine all the objects that catch your eye, pay attention to small details. Change the direction of eye movements by completely completing the visual arc 3 times. When finishing gymnastics, close your eyelids tightly three times and open them wide. Teach your child the technique.

Exercises are recommended for people who daily perform high visual loads and constantly experience eye fatigue. Together with the previous methods, the Visual Arc will increase visual acuity, improve local blood circulation in the eyes, and strengthen the accommodative apparatus.

From the book “How to study and not ruin your eyesight”

Author of the article: Marina Vitalievna Ilyinskaya, General Director of the Center for Effective Ophthalmology LLC (Voykovskaya metro station, Proezd Cherepanovykh, 32), ophthalmologist of the highest category.

As publishing house “EKSMO”

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