Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

It is unlikely that I will be mistaken if I assume that almost many readers of this article spend the lion’s share of their time daily at the computer. Moreover, this is not necessarily related to work – it just so happened that the Internet has become almost the main way for us to spend our leisure time. Your humble servant has been working and having fun at the monitor for more than five years, and my eyesight has noticeably deteriorated during this time. If such a problem is familiar to you firsthand, then you have come to the right place: today you will learn how to restore your former vigilance at home and provide your eyes with a bright, cloudless future.

Is it possible? And isn’t it easier to come to terms with the inevitability by wearing glasses on your nose? Deterioration of vision almost no one seems a tragedy, especially in adulthood. People go to an ophthalmologist, they are prescribed suitable optics, and the problem seems to be solved. But do not rush to put an end to your eyes, they will take revenge on you for this. If you do not take any measures to restore your vision, it will only worsen over time, and a moment may well come when glasses, even the strongest ones, will no longer help you. Let’s not wait for this, and try to save our eyes from myopia, hyperopia, cataracts and other misfortunes. By following the simple guidelines in this article, you can take off your glasses, even if you already have to wear them!

The root of evil: why do our eyes deteriorate?

Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

The main causes of visual impairment:

  • Reason number 1: professional activity. When a person regularly and for a long time looks at one point, while concentrating attention and straining the optic nerve, the blood in the eyeball stagnates. This happens not only to avid computer scientists: drivers, jewelers, welders, millers and representatives of many other professions are at risk. What can we hide – lovers of watching TV all evening long also spoil their eyes. Does this mean that you need to urgently change jobs, and throw the “box” in the trash? Of course not, you just need to try to compensate for the existing risks with measures to preserve and restore vision. Someone will say: I worked as a truck driver for 20 years, and I still have perfect eyesight. There are those who will boast: I have been smoking like a steam locomotive for 20 years, and still have not died of cancer. Well, it means that you are lucky – the body has large internal reserves. But not everyone is so lucky, so you should think about preserving your vision as early as possible.

  • Reason #2: Lack of nourishment for the eyes. Any organ needs nutrition, and the needs of different parts of our body are different: for example, the heart needs some vitamins, the eyes need others. Without sufficient nutrition, the cells function worse and slower, and the result is a malfunction of the organ. That is why the most important reason for the decline in the quality of vision is the banal “hunger”, and not a long look at one point. It is very important to provide your eyes with good nutrition, then they will reciprocate your care.

  • Reason #3: Excessive Sexual Activity. At first glance, a dubious statement, but let’s calculate: when a man loses one gram of sperm, this is equivalent to the loss of 40-80 ml of blood. The best blood, both in the male and in the female body, is spent specifically for reproductive purposes. And if it persists, resources go to the formation of other cells, including visual ones. Our body is an amazing, harmonious system in which everything is interconnected. And if we spend too much energy on sex, other aspects of our health can suffer. Let me emphasize that immoderation is harmful, not adequate sexual activity. Lack of sex is even more harmful to health than excess.

  • Reason #4: Liver dysfunction. The direct relationship between the proper functioning of the liver and the vigilance of the eyes has been known to mankind since ancient times. There are references to this fact in many Indian and Tibetan medical writings. Further from our article you will find out which books are recommended to be read by all people who want to keep healthy not only their eyes and liver, but the whole body for a long time.

Perhaps the most unpleasant and insidious side of the problem is that vision deteriorates suddenly. Now, everything seemed to be fine, but suddenly you begin to feel constant fatigue, everything floats before your eyes, and those inscriptions that you read every day from a decent distance now seem blurry. This is a reliable test: if, for example, you used to clearly see every digit on the clock hanging on the opposite wall while sitting at the table, and now you can barely focus on them, it’s time to sound the alarm!

Methods for restoring vision at home

Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

To stimulate blood circulation, maintain or restore good vision, we will need the following methods:

  • Self-massage of the eyes;

  • Preparations with blueberries and fresh berries;

  • natural honey;

  • Regular rest from external stimuli;

  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices;

  • Bates method;

  • Yoga recommendations.

Now let’s take a closer look at each of these points so that you can use these useful tips in practice.

Massage and gymnastics for the eyes

We start from this point, because self-massage and gymnastic exercises for the eyes are the simplest, and at the same time, the most effective measure to restore vision. If you get into the healthy habit of regularly massaging your tired eyes, consider that half the battle is already done. As soon as you feel discomfort, take a break from work for a couple of minutes or turn away from the monitor, close your eyes, put two fingers on top, and massage in a circular motion, lightly pressing.

Gymnastics looks no less simple: you need to keep your head straight, with only your eyes look all the way up, then down, then right and left. And to complete a cycle of 10-20 such exercises, it is best to rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. By daily massaging your eyes and doing gymnastics, you will provide your eyes with proper blood circulation, which means that you will insure against visual impairment or help already weakened eyes recover.

Blueberries – the berry of vigilance

This tart, fragrant berry has a long-standing reputation as a savior for blindness, and for good reason, because its chemical composition is a real cocktail of nutrients needed by visually impaired people. Nature could hardly come up with a tastier and healthier “dish” for our eyes. However, knowing about the benefits of blueberries, people, of course, do not follow them to the nearest swamp, but go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins or a dietary supplement with blueberries. It’s simple and convenient, but the question is how effective?

The well-known drug “Blueberry Forte” and similar tablets usually have a quick resuscitating effect on the eyes. People note that in just a month, vision has improved significantly, chronic fatigue has ceased to bother. But after another month or two, this effect disappears, and everything returns to normal. Either artificial blueberries stop digesting, or addiction develops, but it was the same with me, and with all my relatives and friends who took such medicines. Conclusion: it is better to use a real berry.

Finding fresh blueberries on sale is problematic, but frozen and dried blueberries are by no means uncommon. From a natural product, valuable biologically active substances are more fully absorbed by the body. In addition, any pills, no matter how harmless their composition may seem, are chemistry, and, in addition to useful components, they bring us absolutely unnecessary, and sometimes harmful. Buy frozen blueberries in supermarkets and eat them with a little powdered sugar, or ask the pharmacy for dried blueberries and cook compotes, but remember that the uncooked berries are the healthiest.

Honey for good vision

Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

Bee honey is another natural cocktail to keep vigilance for many years, but you need to choose honey wisely. The one sold in ordinary grocery stores, packaged in small jars, is rarely of good quality. Moreover, counterfeiting comes across: progress has reached the point that unreliable producers have learned to make honey instead of bees and pass off such products at face value. It is best to go for honey to a fair or to a familiar beekeeper.

Ways to restore vision with honey:

  • The first method improve eyesight with honey – these are lotions for the night. Just smear one eye or the other in turn with a small amount of honey, and stick a small piece of paper or a cotton pad on top so as not to stain the bed linen in a dream;

  • second method – take honey inside on an empty stomach, 2-3 teaspoons every morning, and even better – completely give up sugar in favor of honey. Of course, this advice is suitable for those who are not allergic to bee products. But sugar is in any case harmful to health, and no one will dispute this fact.

Rest from irritants

At first glance, such a simple advice: a couple of times a month for the whole day, refuse contact with irritants and give your eyes a good rest. But in reality, this recommendation is the most difficult for people to adhere to. Someone, even on weekends, is forced to use a computer to view work mail, and someone cannot fall asleep without a TV. In general, habit is second nature, but it will be very cool if, for the sake of eye health, you can overcome your nature at least for a while.

Get yourself a holiday calendar, and on the appointed days, do not burden your eyes with anything: do not sit at the monitor, do not read books, do not watch TV, do not drive a car, do not do needlework, and so on. It is best to spend this day in nature, with family or friends, for active activities and sports fun. And if there is no way to go out of town, think about starting a general cleaning at home or in the garage? While your eyes are looking for dust and debris in the corners, they will definitely not get bored and stay in one place.

On other days when contact with irritants cannot be avoided, give your eyes a rest regularly. Every two hours of sitting at the computer, you need to get up, walk around, do an eye massage or perform a series of eye gymnastics exercises. It is desirable that the break in work is half an hour. But if this is not possible, find at least a couple of minutes for self-massage.

Bates method

If you are interested in the topic of our today’s conversation, then you have probably already met various training courses and author’s methods of vision correction on the Internet. I’ll tell you honestly – they all have one, real author, William Bates. It is his book “Perfect Sight Without Glasses” (“Perfect vision without glasses”) that underlies all such publications. But it is not easy to find it in a high-quality Russian translation. This wonderful book is a must read. Bates has many imitators, but only in the original edition you will find all the useful recommendations for restoring vision.

Tips from yoga masters

Yoga is a real storehouse of wisdom and health, and if you want to radically improve your life, get acquainted with this great teaching. Millions of people around the world have been able to heal from ailments, strengthen themselves spiritually and physically with the help of yoga. You can read about ways to improve vision according to the ancient Indian method in the book of yoga Ramanantath “Yoga exercises for the eyes”.

Even if you are not going to do yoga seriously and permanently, this book can broaden your horizons and explain some of the cause and effect relationships. You probably know that it was the Indians who determined the relationship between points on the human body and its internal organs, invented the method of acupuncture and therapeutic massage. In this publication, you will learn how you can positively influence the eyes using the ancient practices of yogis.

How to eat to improve eyesight?

Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

The most important nutrients your eyes can get from the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood;

  • Whole milk;

  • Beef, chicken, turkey liver;

  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Of course, it is not necessary to include all of the above products in your daily diet at once, but if at least two of the four items are on the table, it will be great.

As for fish, you need to choose fatty, marine varieties. Treating yourself to good fish a couple of times a week is a smart decision, not a waste. Salmon, salmon, haddock, halibut, mackerel contain useful omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary not only for our eyes, but also for the brain. Regular consumption of fatty fish and seafood has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, protects against atherosclerosis, helps to resist stress and promotes proper intraocular circulation.

Whole milk is not easy to find in the store, but if you are careful, you will identify a quality product. Such milk is usually expensive, packaged in tetra packs or plastic bottles, and labeled as whole, not reconstituted. You should not buy sterilized whole milk, you need pasteurized milk, because boiling kills all the benefits of this product. It is possible to buy milk at the grandmothers’ market, but first make sure that there are hygiene regulations in place and that private producers’ products are analyzed before they are allowed to be sold.

The liver is rich in iron, and its regular use has a beneficial effect on the quality of the blood. It is better to buy veal, chicken or turkey liver, because pork contains too much cholesterol. Of course, the liver is an amateur product, but you can cook delicious dishes from it if you approach the issue creatively. It’s worth it, because the liver is very good for the eyes.

And finally, freshly squeezed vegetable juices are something that requires a separate discussion, because they are superior to all three of the above products in terms of efficiency. To restore vision, you will need carrots, parsley, celery, chicory and spinach. It is these vegetables that contain the richest set of vitamins and minerals that are useful for the eyes. Of course, you can nibble raw carrots every day, but it is unlikely that in this way you will be able to consume a volume sufficient for a pronounced effect. Therefore, I advise you to purchase a juicer.

Recipes for vegetable juices to restore vision

Choose only high-quality, juicy and ripe vegetables. They should be at room temperature so that the juice is squeezed better. Carrots need to be washed thoroughly, and the skin should not be peeled off, because it contains a lot of useful substances. The same goes for celery stalks. Getting chicory is problematic, but if you manage to do it, consider it a great success.

The most effective for vision are vegetable juices prepared in the following proportions:

  • Carrots – 9 parts, celery – 5 parts, chicory – 2 parts, parsley – 2 parts;

  • Carrots – 60%, spinach – 40%.

Squeeze the juice in the morning, and drink it on an empty stomach in small sips immediately after preparation. It makes no sense to prepare juice for the future and put it in the refrigerator, because after 10 minutes an oxidation reaction begins, during which substances useful to the eyes die. As for the quantity, then everything is individual. Start with half a glass and see how it feels. Juice should be drunk while it is drunk easily, and not through I do not want to. Usually a whole glass every morning for two to three months is enough to drastically improve vision.

You can read more about the benefits of juices in Norman Walker’s book The Raw Vegetable Juice Treatment. From this wonderful publication you will learn a lot of useful information not only about the restoration of vision, but also about the improvement of the whole organism.

Key Findings

Restoration of vision at home, without surgery

Progress is great. New technologies open up opportunities for people that we could not even dream of before. But along with complex inventions, we get an ever-increasing strain on the eyes during the operation of technology. Probably, in two hundred years, almost all people in the second half of their lives will wear glasses, or more modern optical devices for vision correction. To avoid such a sad prospect, you just need to pay attention to your eyes.

Everyone has a different idea of ​​what is normal. In addition, a person is such a creature that very quickly gets used to everything, both bad and good. We get used to not getting enough sleep, suffering from backaches, wearing glasses… But, firstly, this is not normal, and secondly, it can be fixed!

To restore vision and insure against eye diseases, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Let your eyes rest and massage them regularly;

  • Eat blueberries, eat healthy foods and drink freshly squeezed juices;

  • Smear eyes with honey at night;

  • Use the advice of famous doctors and recommendations of yogis.

We hope that our material will help you maintain clarity of vision for many years or restore the already lost potential of your eyes. Be healthy!

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to improve vision without glasses? Simple exercise:

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