Restoration of vision according to the Norbekov method

Many specialists are working on the problem of improving vision without glasses and complex ophthalmic operations. To address this issue, both methods of traditional medicine and non-traditional systems are suitable.

M. Norbekov’s vision restoration technique is based on a combination of reflex effects on certain areas of the eyes, head with the psychological capabilities of concentration, fixing a positive effect in a person’s emotions and behavior.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to do gymnastics for the eyes only fully trusting the method of treatment. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the author, his recommendations, printed publications.

Author Biography

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is one of the famous Uzbek and Russian non-traditional healers. His homeland is a mountain village near Samarkand. Born in 1957, grew up in a large family.

Studied fine arts, began to work on wall painting. In the army he was drafted into the construction troops. Here he was severely injured. He achieved his cure with the help of his own willpower and constant exercises. He became a committed activist and developer of physical exercises to combat various diseases.

Since the 90s, together with other ascetics (L. Fotina, Yu. Khvan), he has been creating a number of organizations that teach people self-healing. Actively promotes a healthy lifestyle among the population, personal development.

In 1998, he opened the Institute for Human Self-Restoration in Moscow and became its director. Here are classes on his method. The first writing experience began with the publication of a book in 2001, then several more printed editions came out. Since 2010, he has been the President of his own company, the Center for Educational and Recreational Technologies.

M. Norbekov takes part in programs on various television channels, is published in magazines.

The Institute has representations in 28 countries of the world, 14 branches in the USA. The methods proposed by M. Norbekov are very popular.

Experts pay attention to the “pseudo-scientific” views of the author. This is due to the unclear role of Norbekov in attracting thousands of people. There is information about the use of hypnotic influence, subordinating techniques.

There are no reliable data on academic degrees, education of the author, sports awards. Verification attempts do not confirm Norbekov’s participation in karate competitions.

Nevertheless, such odious fame of the author adds to his popularity.

The book “The Fool’s Experience or the Key to Enlightenment”

It is better to read the book and form your own opinion. With a sharp title, the author criticizes himself and sick people for missed opportunities in restoring health. Negatively refers to laziness, lack of desire to help oneself in restoring vision.

Supporters and opponents of the methodology are approximately equally divided. This is facilitated by M. Norbekov’s lack of a medical diploma.

The book offers the interested reader an introduction to the method of healing. Instructing on physical exercises, explaining their expediency and practical significance.

Some tips are intended to support the self-affirmation of a person, to eliminate indecision and lack of will. Of course, the book is interesting for many readers, even with a preventive purpose, and the author deserves gratitude for his work.

The essence of Norbekov’s methodology

Interestingly, M. Norbekov himself considers his developed methodology not to be curative, but to teach life. He considers

improvement of mental well-being, a new feeling of being in nature.

The author skillfully combines in the recovery system:

  • general physical exercises;

  • work with the eye muscles (according to the experience of an oculist from America, William Bates);

  • oriental massage practice or, according to modern views, the impact on reflexogenic zones;

  • autotraining and autosuggestion.

The author’s attention to the restoration of posture, the correct position of the spine is traced. This improves the nutrition of all organs of the head and centers of the brain.

Description of exercises

The key to success is determined by the sequence and correctness of the exercises.

Exercise # 1

Keep your head straight, without straining. Without moving your head, raise your eyes as high as possible, mentally pass through the eyebrow and forehead. Return to starting position.

Similarly, lower the eyeballs as far down as possible, mentally “examine” the throat from the inside. Raise your gaze forward.

Exercise # 2

Without changing the position of the head, working only with a glance, maximally deflect the eyeballs to the left, then to the right. At the same time, try to mentally penetrate the inside of the ear.

According to ancient oriental medicine, these actions cleanse the energy channels of the head and liver, and have a general healing effect.

Exercise number 3 – “Butterfly”

With one eye, “draw” a diagonal line from the lower right corner to the upper left, then go down and from the lower left to proceed to the upper right corner.

Repeat similar movements from the lower left corner to the upper right, go down to the right, then look up to the upper left corner.

After completing the paired exercise, you should relax your eyes, blink your eyelids easily. The recommendations

Exercise number 4 – “Eight”

With a motionless head, make movements with your eyes along the line of a large “eight” figure, drawing it first in one direction, then in the other. To relax, you need to blink easily for centuries.

Exercise # 5

It is performed in a quiet room, in a calm state. Exercise is especially indicated for nearsighted people, since it strengthens the lateral muscles.

Try to concentrate the gaze of both eyes on the tip of the nose, then slowly move forward to the bridge of the nose and try to see what is on the sides to the right and left. In this case, moving the eyes to the side is not allowed.

Do 8 slow smooth repetitions.

Exercise # 6

Set both index fingers at the tip of the nose. Fix your eyes on your fingers. Slowly spread your fingers horizontally to the sides, and try to follow them with your peripheral vision with your eyes. The left eye should be concentrated on the left finger, the right eye, respectively, on the right.

Repeat three times and rest.

Exercise number 7 – “Big circle”

Imagine a clock face in front of your eyes. Gradually, starting from the number 12, mentally translate your eyes in a circle clockwise, then back. Movements should be smooth. The diameter of the circle gradually increases, but it is desirable to keep the circle even and beautiful.

It is recommended to repeat the exercise, making circles with your eyes in the sky.

Источник: Книга «Опыт дурака или ключ к прозрению»

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