Restless sleep in babies. How can I help my baby?

Restless sleep in babies. Many parents are faced with the problem of their baby’s restless sleep. It is quite natural for their excitement about this, because every parent wants the baby to sleep peacefully.

When sleep disorders occur, they try to find and eliminate the causes.

Restless sleep in babies. Causes

Newborn babies need some time to adapt to a new and not quite familiar daily routine. And anxiety in a dream is most often associated with this. The reasons may be:

• Improper room temperature. Too hot or, conversely, cold, dry air, the room is not ventilated before going to bed;

• Emotional component. The fragile psyche of the baby, the overexcited state does not allow to relax and calm down.

• Uncomfortable clothes, warm blanket. The fabric of the garment may be uncomfortable.

• A wet diaper or diaper creates discomfort, making you grunt and cry.

• Hunger. An undernourished or completely hungry baby will not sleep soundly and restful sleep.

• Thirst. Due to the dry air, the crumbs can dry out in the mouth.

• Uncomfortable conditions in the room. In addition to dry air, disturbed sleep can be caused by extraneous noise, bright light, turned on TV, etc.

Other reasons

In addition, health-related causes affect sleep:

  •  Teething;
  •  Constipation, bloating, diarrhea;
  •  Nasal congestion;
  •  Colic;
  •  Dependence on weather conditions;
  •  Fear of being left without mom or unwillingness to sleep separately from her;
  •  Lack of parental attention.


In order for the baby to sleep sweetly and serenely, the following recommendations should be followed.

Temperature and humidity

Maintain a comfortable environment. For a newborn, the optimal room temperature is 18-20 degrees. Make sure that the air is humidified.

It is enough to hang a wet diaper on the battery or buy a humidifier. In the fresh air, the child always sleeps much better, so before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room.


Sleep hormone – melatonin is produced only in the dark. That is why it is necessary that a bright light is not turned on in the room where the baby sleeps. For a crumb, a night light is enough for peace of mind.


A hungry baby will not be able to sleep well. Before going to bed, be sure to feed the baby well.

Soothing music

Some babies enjoy listening to lullabies. If the mother sings the lullaby, then this has an even better effect on the child’s sleep.

Motion sickness

From motion sickness in the hands of parents, in a stroller while walking or in a crib, children quickly fall asleep and sleep more soundly. But here you need to take into account the fact that some babies get so used to motion sickness before bedtime that they cannot do without it at all.

What needs to be done?

To keep my mother by my side

Separation from mom is difficult for babies. With mom it is calm, comfortable and cozy. Therefore, babies sleep more calmly if their mother is nearby, feeling the body, their own scent and feeling care and safety.

Shared sleep

A long absence of a mother by his side during sleep can provoke stress for a child’s fragile psyche. Therefore, children wake up and cry, in search of the most dear person. Some parents take their toddler into their bed to sleep and then put them back in the crib. It is safer for an infant to sleep separately from parents.

The crib is too big

In the mother’s belly, the baby is accustomed to the tight space. A large bed creates a sense of insecurity, discomfort and anxiety. If this is the problem, then you should purchase a small cradle instead of a spacious crib. So the baby will be much calmer.

Wet diaper

Restless sleep is also caused by a wet diaper or diaper. It is worth making sure that diapers and linen are always changed on time.


The desire to drink also prevents you from sleeping peacefully. Always offer your baby clean water.


These physical processes are very often the cause of restless sleep. In relieving colic, massage, a warm heating pad, laying on the stomach before feeding, gymnastics are recommended. It is imperative that the mixture is of high quality and correctly selected if the baby is artificially fed.


Unfortunately, teeth most often climb at night. To help your baby during this difficult period, you should be patient, because the painful process of teething can take many months. Folk remedies and various gels and ointments come to the rescue.

For parents with a large family, restless sleep of the baby also has a place to be. And no less important than in a family with one child.

In conclusion, it should be said that restful sleep of the baby is an important task facing his parents. Love, affection, attention and patience will help to cope with all the problems of sleep disturbance. Good luck!

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