Restaurants and allergen information on their plates

Restaurants and allergen information on their plates

The expected moment has arrived, for months they have been talking aboutWhen I eat? Customers must be informed of allergenic ingredients in restaurant menus.

The next December 13, a Nnew regulation of the European Union (1169/2011, approved on October 25, 2011) on the food information provided to consumers and that develops the obligation for hospitality establishments to inform their guests of the presence in their products of possible allergens

If the norm is ignored, it would be included in an already typified crime, risking the restaurant, bar, inn or cafeteria to incur financial sanctions, even criminal ones.

We are in the century of allergies, either because the advancement of science makes it easier to detect them in any organism or because the abuse of certain substances has made us more reluctant to certain compounds.

The child population suffers from intolerances that years ago were negligible, but that in many cases made the individual suffer, without really knowing the reason for their ailments.

Elements such as lactose, which is used as a preservative, is not exclusively located in a glass of milk, and that incontinence was the cause of many stomach problems in countless organisms “without knowing it.”

Already known is also the case of gluten and its disorders in the body and today be celiac It is not a problem thanks to the information contained in the foods that are purchased in food distribution, but in a restaurant? , who informed us if this dish was made with flours or other elements likely to contain gluten, lactose, or other substances harmful to certain organisms.

The help of technology

Hospitality professionals from next November 1 will be able to contract the services of a new tool,  Restalergy. 

“It is an application that has an important database organized by types of food and by recipes, and in which all allergens are defined, not just the 14 groups that are specified in the law.”

Behind the company that created the application, there are professionals in medicine and nutrition who provide scientific rigor to the proposals offered. The (FICCG) Catalan Institute of cuisine and gastronomic culture Foundation, recently in the presentation of its new headquarters announced the existence of this application and its appearance on the market on November 1.

It can be contracted as a direct communication service with the team of allergists, to be able to solve any problem or doubt that arises as soon as we are members of it, logically under a fee … For now we leave you a link to its website (under construction).

Currently on the market there are already web and App tools developed to help the allergen detection and consumers so that their “Life can be more pleasant.”

It is a mobile application that tells us if a food product is suitable or not for people who present egg allergy, oilactose or gluten tolerance.

Its operation is very simple, the barcode of the product is scanned and it informs us …

In 2012, the best healthcare application was chosen by the San Fco de León Clinic and has been included in the list of the best 50 Spanish-speaking apps by the Zeltia Observatory and Rey Juan Carlos University.

We are facing an App that informs about the restaurants where you can find gluten-free products and dishes, as well as hotels, rural houses, etc …

It also works with a geolocator on the map of the device, offering the user a range of places where they can go to “Eat quietly” showing the opinions and evaluations of the same, together with the address, the telephone number and the contact information.

All these applications will complement the technology ecosystem that in a few months will begin to be seen in the technological landscape. food, which will surely help not only to eat better but also to relaunch economic activity and employment.

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