Responsible and safe self-treatment – what is worth remembering?

Many people self-medicate before making an appointment with a doctor. Currently, the choice of over-the-counter medications is huge. However, we are not always aware of the health contraindications and possible interactions between the ingredients found in different medications.

Self-treatment in Poland

In our country, the phenomenon of self-healing is very widespread. Most Poles buy over-the-counter drugs on their own initiative. In addition, they also take dietary supplements, vitamins or antibiotics that were left after previous treatment.

Also read: Poles buy over-the-counter drugs mainly in pharmacies

Causes and consequences of self-medication

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is long waiting time for an appointment with a doctor or hospitalization. Other common reasons include:

  1. occurrence of mild ailments,
  2. long waiting time or problem with access to a doctor,
  3. willingness to save time and / or money,
  4. large distance to the health center.

The phenomenon of self-healing should be considered both from the medical, economic and social point of view. It has both benefits and risks.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-healing

An irresponsible approach to self-treatment may result in postponing the visit over time. Thus, the correct diagnosis is delayed. Unwise self-treatment can also lead to drug abuse, adverse drug interactions, overdose, or poisoning. As you can see, the consequences can be serious. They can pose a threat to our life and health. In addition, they often generate unnecessary additional costs. It takes a lot of time and money to treat possible complications.

Check: What supplements support the intestinal microflora?

On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning the benefits of self-medication. It can be positive if we approach it consciously and prudently. You should systematically expand your knowledge using reliable, up-to-date and proven sources.

In some cases, self-medication can have a positive effect on the entire economy. It increases the efficiency of employees. Simultaneously reduces treatment costs and public health insurer’s expenses. The patient can also save a lot of time that would otherwise have to be spent waiting in lines at the doctor’s.

Safe self-healing

If you’ve already decided to self-medicate, take only over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Only use them for mild and common health problems such as a cold. If you do not notice any improvement in symptoms within 2-3 days, see a doctor or consult a pharmacist.

If you are taking medications yourself, remember about regular preventive examinations. Then you can find the cause of your problem. If you still have a headache, a pain reliever will only help you temporarily. Its cause must be found.

Also read: Experts: Drugs affect lab results

Self-medication and safe drug intake

Read the package leaflet carefully before use. You can also consult your doctor or pharmacist. Before you take the drug, check active ingredient. Pay special attention to her if you intend to combine medications. A huge amount of the active substance can cause poisoning. Then not only will you not cure your cold or pain, but you will also harm yourself even more.

Also remember not to exceed the recommended dose and time of taking the drug. Therefore, read the leaflet carefully. Also, be careful with advertised supplements. Not all of them are as effective as the manufacturers promote them. Better to use traditional and natural treatments. Drink the onion syrup, inhale warm marjoram, rub the body with camphor, put the bubbles.

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