An adult is responsible for his own life.
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Responsibility for oneself — for one’s life choices, actions, thoughts, feelings, in general — life and destiny.
Such an amazing creature as a person is able to live irresponsibly, including to himself: destroying his health, his opportunities, his development and his future. Therefore, responsible people think over their interests and their future, determine their goals and objectives, after which they ask themselves for their own obligations.
To the extent that I inform others with responsibility for myself: “You don’t have to worry about me, I will solve my problems myself,” this is a manifestation of social responsibility (or irresponsibility). If a person takes responsibility for himself — to himself, this is his personal responsibility.
Anyone who does not take responsibility for his life on himself, shifting it to others — needs the approval and attention of others, is a non-self-sufficient person. See self-sufficiency
Responsibility for oneself develops in those who are used to always seeing their choices. Whether I work here or at another job, quarrel or be friends with my boss or colleagues, stay here or quit — all choices are considered. Should I meet with this person or stop, have a difficult conversation with him or later, be offended by him or is it inappropriate — someone who is used to seeing his choices can be responsible for his life and is not in the position of a Victim.
Responsibility and self care
If a person is not able to take care of himself, then he is unlikely to be able to help other people. A responsible person always takes reasonable care of himself — at least as an instrument that still has a lot to do in life. See Responsibility and self-care