Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: why you need to do it, step by step instructions, video

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: why you need to do it, step by step instructions, video

Respiratory gymnastics of Alexandra Strelnikova has been popular for over forty years. The exercises are simple, but the benefits are enormous. How to do the exercises correctly? How to maintain health and longevity in an accessible way for everyone? You will find out about this right now.

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova was a singing teacher and gave voice to people who dreamed of singing. She knew the basics of correct breathing, because it is for singers that it is the key to the beauty of performance. One night, her daughter Alexandra Nikolaevna had a heart attack. To remove it, the mother began to teach her daughter to breathe according to the rules. Alexandra Nikolaevna diligently did everything that her mother showed – and the pain went away.

Since then, Alexandra Strelnikova Jr. began to do breathing exercises every day, gradually improving the exercises. She, like her mother, became a vocal teacher, helped develop the voice for those who by nature had very average abilities. She did not forget about breathing exercises. Over time, Alexandra Nikolaevna drew attention to the fact that her students, with whom she did her gymnastics, not only had a more beautiful and stronger voice, but also their health improved. In 1972, Alexandra Nikolaevna patented a special “Method for the treatment of diseases associated with loss of voice” and received copyright certificate No. 411865.

The peculiarity of breathing exercises Strelnikova

Experts call it paradoxical, because inhalation through the nose must be done along with movement. For example, we are used to doing this: inhale – bend over – straighten up – exhale.

With Strelnikova, you need to take a breath on a slope, and the creator of the technique advises not to think about exhaling at all – it will happen by itself.

Reviews about breathing exercises Strelnikova

There is no unequivocal opinion. Someone recognizes it and considers it indispensable in the treatment of the respiratory system, someone denies the benefits of paradoxical breathing exercises, and someone says that any physical exercise benefits the body.

The benefits of breathing exercises Strelnikova

A complex of breathing exercises helps:

  • strengthen immunity;

  • improve memory;

  • get rid of stress, depression and stuttering;

  • reduce weight;

  • quit smoking,

  • improve metabolism, blood circulation, heart function and nasal breathing;

  • relieve headache;

  • with asthma and chronic bronchitis, runny nose and loss of voice, hypertension and angina pectoris.

The benefits of breathing exercises Strelnikova for children

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova gives good results in the treatment of scoliosis and stoop. For Children useful for frequent colds and acute respiratory diseases – when the baby learns to breathe according to Strelnikova, his immunity is strengthened, he becomes calmer, gets rid of coughs and runny nose, grows and develops better. Have teenagers thanks to breathing exercises, all organs and systems are formed correctly.

Strelnikova breathing exercises for children

Starting to engage in breathing exercises with your child, teach him to sniff, that is, to take a quick and abrupt breath.

Rules: inhale (with the nose!) we do together with the movement (for example, tilt + inhale), we inhale the air sharply and noisily; we do not think about exhalation (we do it with our mouth), we do not exhale with effort and we do not hold the air in the lungs; exercise exercises in the morning and in the evening (before meals or 1,5 hours after), 1200-1500 breaths-movements in the rhythm of a marching march.


We bend our arms at the elbows and hold them in front of us, as if we are going to play “goodies.” We take a breath, at the same time clench our fists, then we unclench our hands. We inhale 4 times + fists – palms, we rest. Only 24 times.


We squeeze our hands into fists and press them to the stomach. We take a breath + tilt down, straightening our arms and unclenching our fists, straighten up and clench our fists again. In a row 8 times inhalation + tilt – straightening, we rest. Only 32 times.


They leaned forward a little, their back was a wheel, their arms were hanging freely. Take a breath + bow, touching the floor with your fingertips, return to the “leaned forward” position. In a row 8 breath + bow – return, rest. We do it 32 times in total.

Strelnikova breathing exercises for adults

First, do a warm-up: “Ladoshki”, “Epaulets”, “Pump”, then we add the basic exercises.

“Hug your shoulders”

Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level. We take a breath + cross our arms, trying to hug ourselves by the shoulders, spread our arms in different directions. Consecutive 8 breaths + crossing arms – return, rest. Only 32 times.

The Big Pendulum

We stand up straight, take a breath + bend forward, straighten up, inhale + slightly bend back, hugging ourselves by the shoulders. We exhale between breaths. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times.

“Turning the head”

We stand straight, take a breath + turn the head to the right, immediately inhale + turn the head to the left. We exhale between breaths. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times.


We stand straight, take a breath + tilt the head to the right (we stretch our ear to the right shoulder) immediately inhale + tilt the head to the left (we stretch our ear to the left shoulder). We exhale between breaths. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times.

“The pendulum head”

We stand straight, inhale + head down, immediately inhale + head up. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times.


We stand straight, the left leg is slightly in front, the weight of the body is on the left leg, we inhale + squat on the left leg, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, inhale + squat on the right leg. 4 times in a row, we rest. Only 12 times.


We stand straight, bend the left leg at the knee and raise it at a right angle, straighten it, take a breath + squat on the right leg, stand up straight again, change legs. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times.

Strelnikova breathing exercises for those who want to lose weight

Warm up and warm up with exercises “Ladoshki”, “Epaulets”, “Pump”.

Adding an exercise “Cat”:

We stand straight, arms down, body relaxed, take a breath + squat and turn the body to the left (at this time, arms are bent at the elbows, palms are clenched into fists), get up, exhale, repeat inhale + squat and turn to the right. In a row 8 times, we have a rest. Only 32 times. After the “Cat” we do “Hug your shoulders”.

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