Respiratory gymnastics qigong
In the schedules of fitness clubs, qigong gymnastics began to appear more and more often. What does such an exotic name mean? In fact, everything is simple and clear: “qi” is energy, “gong” is work on oneself, concentration. Qigong is not just a new form of fitness or a commercial gimmick, born in the wake of the craze for the East. This is a real remedial gymnastics, which, moreover, will not take you more than 15 minutes and does not require any special equipment. Despite the fact that the qigong complex is very simple, it can significantly improve your life. Energy will appear out of nowhere, and the desire to run to the pharmacy for medicines will disappear. Without going into details, let’s just say that qigong can be a real salvation after serious illness or surgery. So we can only warmly thank the Chinese, who have long and stubbornly kept this miraculous gymnastics secret.
It’s time to get down to the main complex. Just do not change the order of the exercises in any way – perform them strictly in the sequence shown here. During qigong gymnastics, you need to carefully monitor whether you are breathing correctly. Qigong teachers say that you should never breathe in deeply. You need to breathe shallowly and use the lower abdomen for this. The inhalation should last for five heart beats and should be approximately equal in duration to the exhalation. For five beats – inhale, for the next five – exhale. All exercises are performed while standing, always with a straight back. Movements should not be abrupt. For the energy to circulate in the right direction, relax your face, and then your body will relax. Try to portray the half-smile of the Mona Lisa and make sure that the tip of the tongue remains relaxed and rests against the sky behind the teeth.
exercise 1.
support the sky
Respiratory gymnastics qigong
Legs together, body straight. Hands are lowered and clasped in the lock. While inhaling (which is very important), slowly raise your hands up, palms inward. As you exhale, lower your palms down. Do not forget about the correct alternation of inhalation and exhalation! Then, as you inhale, lift your hands up, palms away from you. Again, as you exhale, lower your palms down. You must draw a circle with your hands.
exercise 2.
the rider draws the bowstring, aiming at the hawk
Place your feet at a distance twice as wide as your shoulders, your feet should be strictly parallel to each other. Sit down a little so that the kneecap is on the line of the big toe. Keep your back straight, relax your lower back and bend slightly. Clench your arms into fists and raise them straight out in front of you, and as you inhale, bend your elbows, keeping your elbows at shoulder level. Place the little finger and ring finger of your left hand on your thumb and slowly move your hand to the side, gradually straightening it. Look into the distance between your index and middle fingers. As you exhale, bend your arm and lower both arms along your torso, palms down. Repeat the same movements with the other hand.
exercise 3.
raise one hand
This exercise regulates the activity of the digestive tract. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your knees. As you inhale, slowly stretch your arms straight out in front of you. As you exhale, bend them at shoulder level, as if you are squeezing the ball towards you. Turn your left hand with the back to you and bring it closer to your face, and lower your right hand down. Change hands and repeat the exercise.
exercise 4.
look back
Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms in front of you, as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, bend your elbows and press them towards you – palms should look at each other. Take your shoulders back. Look around as you move your hands. As you exhale, slowly return your head to its original position, while your hands go down and pass the body with your palms back.
exercise 5.
fish moves its tail
Place your feet twice as wide as your shoulders. Do a half-squat and place your hands on your hips. Keep your spine straight as a string. While inhaling, slowly bend to the right and, freezing for a second, start exhaling and continue moving in a circle to the left. Climb over the left shoulder, completing the exhalation. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
exercise 6.
hug legs
Legs together, body straight. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, palms inward. As you exhale, turn your palms away from you, bend in the lower back and slowly begin to lean forward. Wrap your arms around your legs. Slowly straighten up as you inhale. As you exhale, relax your knees and do a gentle half-squat.
exercise 7.
look angrily at the fist
This exercise strengthens vision and willpower. The legs are at a distance twice as wide as the shoulders, the knees are bent. As you inhale, raise your hands in front of you, clenched into fists. As you exhale, bend your elbows, keeping your elbows at shoulder level. As you inhale, move your left hand to the side, looking angrily at the fist. As you exhale, return your hand to the starting position. Then, as you inhale, raise your arms above your head. As you exhale, slowly lower your arms through the sides, palms down. Repeat with your right hand.
exercise 8.
rider rides a horse
As you inhale, slowly rise on your toes, sequentially tensing your feet, calves, then your hips and buttocks. The arms remain extended along the body, palms are raised parallel to the floor. Squeeze your thighs and glutes tightly for a second. As you exhale, lower yourself, gently hitting your heels on the floor.
Thank you for your advice to Vladimir Stepanov, qigong gymnastics instructor of the Planet Fitness health club chain.