- Resilience workshop II: Five styles of reaction to adversity, how to detect which one is possessed and what causes
- #WellbeingWorkshop
- In this second installment of his resilience workshop, the psychologist Tomás Navarro teaches ABC Bienestar readers to analyze their way of facing problems and how that attitude influences us
- First installment: How to face and manage changes in the midst of uncertainty
Resilience workshop II: Five styles of reaction to adversity, how to detect which one is possessed and what causes
First installment: How to face and manage changes in the midst of uncertainty

I propose that you analyze the way in which you react to adversity, since depending on how you react, you will have more or fewer options to overcome it. There are five different styles of coping in the face of adversity. What’s yours?
I have baptized the first of the styles as fighting spirit. Wrestlers interpret adversity as a straight, they perceive that they have a high degree of control over the situation they are experiencing, they have an optimistic attitude towards the evolution of adversity and, most importantly, they take a leading role in solving the problem or adversity.
The second of the styles is denial of problem. People who deny adversity do not appreciate any
They threaten what is happening to them, they have a somewhat naive view of the situation, they minimize adversity and its consequences and their emotional tone is serene and calm since for them, apparently, nothing serious happens.
The third of the styles is the fatalism. People who react to adversity with a fatalistic attitude perceive adversity as a threat against which they have no possibility of control. Their attitude is passive and resigned so they do not get involved in solving the problem.
We continue with a style based on hopelessness. When hope is lost, adversity is seen as a terrible threat over which we cannot exercise the slightest control. People who experience adversity like this are pessimistic about the evolution of the problem, so they do not get involved in solving it and end up depressed.
Finally we have the people who react in the key of anxious worry. We are facing one of the worst reactions to adversity since it is perceived as a great threat, which involves the feeling of living in continuous tension and a compulsive search for security with all kinds of strategies or resources.
And you? How do you react to adversity? Have you been recognized in a specific style? Do you know what it depends on that you adopt one attitude or another? Well, the assessment you make of adversity and the ability you think you have to face it.
My best advice is that in the face of adversity you react in a way realistic, without deceiving yourself, analyzing the situation, identifying the alternatives available to you and taking proactive action. Cope with problems with serenity, with perspective, without dramatizing, keeping a cool mind and with an analytical perspective.
La resilience refers to the ability we have to withstand adversity, overcome it and emerge strengthened from it.
A resilient person is not someone who endures, is silent and trusts that problems will be solved by magic. A resilient person is a person who feels competent, which identifies the alternatives it has and which exploits the resources it has available in a very efficient way.
Now you are a little more resilient, now you know what the best reaction to adversity is. In the next installment of the resilience workshop I will help you transform an adversity into a challenge.
Here you can access delivery I of the resilience workshop of Tomás Navarro for ABC Bienestar.