Researchers: Diet helpful in treating children with ADHD

A restrictive elimination diet – the one used in children with allergies – should be part of the standard care for children with ADHD, argue Dutch scientists in the Lancet journal.

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is considered the most common developmental age disorder; it is more common in boys. According to statistics, it concerns 3-7 percent. school children.

Due to changes in the way the brain works, children with ADHD have difficulty controlling their emotions and behavior. They are very mobile, it is difficult for them to sit still in one place, focus their attention on the activity they perform – they are often initially considered to be naughty children.

In previous studies, scientists have observed that ADHD in some children may be allergic and that symptoms may appear from eating foods that are allergic.

In their new work, the authors studied children aged 4 to 8 with ADHD. For 5 weeks, 50 of them were on the so-called standard elimination diets for children with allergies, and the other group of 50 was fed a normal, healthy diet. Researchers found significant improvements in health and behavior in babies fed non-allergenic foods.

Then, from among the children on the elimination diet, those in whom it brought about the most visible relief of ADHD symptoms were selected and divided into two groups. Children from one group ate what was part of the elimination diet (non-allergenic products) and, additionally, food which increased the level of G antibodies (IgG) in their blood (which intensified the symptoms of ADHD); and the children in the second group ate products with low IgG levels, which alleviated the symptoms of the disease.

On this basis, scientists found that measuring the level of antibodies in the blood of children with ADHD can be used as a diagnostic tool when choosing the right diet for a given patient.

According to the authors of the research, the parents of all children with ADHD should try to introduce them to an elimination diet for a period of about 5 weeks, and if they observe improvement, with the help of specialists, determine which products cause an allergic reaction manifested by ADHD symptoms. Children who are not sensitive to diet should be further treated according to standard guidelines – pharmacologically and occupational.

Nevertheless, specialists emphasize that when using an elimination diet, children must be under medical care – so that limiting the variety of food does not adversely affect their overall health. (PAP)

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