Research: Urological problems are still an embarrassing topic

The problem of urinary incontinence may affect 3-4 million Poles. But while it is a common condition, we are ashamed to talk about it with our doctor and even our family. Only 6 percent talk to their relatives about urinary tract problems. from us – the latest research shows.

They were presented in the report “Intergenerational conversations of Poles” realized as part of the “CoreWellness – inner strength” campaign. The research was conducted in January 2012 by TNS (formerly TNS OBOP) among 733 Poles aged 35 and above. Respondents answered multiple choice questions.

It turned out that health problems are the favorite topic of our conversations with loved ones – as many as 62 percent of them indicated. respondents. The second place was taken by finances (49%), followed by work (40%), followed by plans for the future (39%), politics and the situation in the country (38%), interests and hobbies (37%). ), bringing up children (36%), memories and youth (34%).

Among health problems, the most frequently mentioned are seasonal infections (34% of people who talk to their relatives about health), heart disease (27%) and disorders of the locomotor organs (20%). Poles are less likely to talk to their relatives about cancer (14%), mental problems such as depression (10%), gynecological problems (7%) and problems with the urinary system, including urinary incontinence (NTM). Very rarely, conversations are about sexual health (2%).

It is much easier for us to talk about colds or even heart disease. These are common ailments (…). We do not realize that the problem of urinary incontinence can affect any woman, regardless of age and stage of life. This ailment affects over 3 million people, but we still do not know how to talk about it “- comments the expert of the campaign” CoreWellness – inner strength “prof. Marek Sosnowski, head of the Urology Clinic of the University Teaching Hospital in Łódź.

The specialist emphasizes that only some Polish women who have a problem with urinary incontinence come to their doctor for advice on their own. This group usually includes younger ladies who are not afraid to ask about even the most intimate issues, and also already have some knowledge about the problem.

There are also situations when patients come to ask about the treatment of urinary incontinence on behalf of a loved one. Remember that talking about the problem is the first step that will help determine its scale and start appropriate treatment. An honest conversation with loved ones can be the starting point for this – emphasizes prof. Sosnowski.

Experts dealing with the epidemiology of urinary incontinence estimate that in Poland this problem affects 3-4 million people (10% of the population), with a significant predominance of women. Approximately 25 percent of patients suffer from NTM. women over 18 years of age, and its incidence increases with age – up to 60 percent. women over 60 may have this ailment. And because the Polish society is aging, specialists predict that the percentage of people with NTM will grow rapidly.

The most common form of this disorder is stress urinary incontinence, which occurs when you cough, sneeze or exercise. They are found in 60 percent. patients; they are mostly women, because childbirth or hormonal changes during menopause are risk factors for this form of NTM.

About 20 percent. cases of NTM are urgent urinary incontinence, which is one of the symptoms of an overactive bladder. It can be caused by: pelvic surgery, prostatic hypertrophy or neurological diseases. Another 20 percent. cases include mixed urinary incontinence.

NTM can in most cases be successfully treated: surgically or conservatively – pharmacologically, and in the case of mild urinary incontinence even without the use of drugs, e.g. with exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises), bladder training.

Doctors dealing with NTM treatment emphasize that although it is not a serious or life-threatening disease, due to the intimate nature and nuisance of symptoms, it has a very negative impact on the patient’s psyche and impairs various spheres of his life – family, professional and social. The disease often leads to lower self-esteem, complexes, anxiety and depression disorders, social isolation, deterioration of relations with a partner, and decreased sexual activity.

Talking about health can be an opportunity to receive emotional support and practical solutions on how to deal with the problem. I have patients with NTM who, after consulting a doctor, interviewed a partner and thus got rid of the fear of rejection. Another patient of mine, just after giving birth, began to exercise the pelvic floor muscles together with her husband, the weakening of which is one of the causes of NTM – emphasizes the campaign expert, Prof. Piotr Radziszewski, urologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

The organizers of the campaign invite people from NTM every first Wednesday of the month for free urological consultations (from 16.00:20.00 pm to 9.00:13.00 pm) and psychological consultation (from 800:60 am to 66:68 pm) at the free hotline number (XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX).

The campaign was organized by SCA Hygiene Products. The patronage over it was taken by the Polish Urological Society and the Polish Gynecological Society, and its partner was the Association of NTM “UroConti”. (PAP)

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