Research: Alcohol in small amounts does well before and after a heart attack

It has long been known that moderate alcohol consumption protects against heart attacks, now it turns out that men benefit from it even after a heart attack, according to a 20-year observation published in the European Heart Journal.

The study included 1818 men after a heart attack who were subjected to health tests every two years. It was checked whether they have diabetes and regularly take aspirin and what their blood pressure is. Every four years, they also completed a questionnaire on lifestyle, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption.

It found that men who drank one or two glasses of wine (or one or two glasses of beer) a day were down 34 percent. less risk of death from various causes and 42% due to cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, those who consumed less than one portion of alcohol reported 22 percent. lower risk of death.

However, alcohol can only benefit your health from moderate consumption. Men who drank at least three glasses of wine a day die as often as abstainers.

“We do not encourage those after a heart attack who are not yet ready to drink. We only suggest that a moderate amount of alcohol may be beneficial for heart attackers “- says the lead author of the study, Prof. Jennifer K. Pai, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health.

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