
A reproductive specialist is a doctor who treats infertility and specializes in the conception and bearing of a fetus.

Reproductology is a science that studies the normal reproductive function of a person, as well as its pathologies, as an object of study. The discipline deals with the prevention of violations of the human reproductive system in each age period.

The main goal of the work of a reproductologist is to help in the onset of pregnancy and in the birth of healthy offspring in couples who have problems with the function of reproduction.

The profession of a reproductive specialist is extremely in demand, according to statistics, the impossibility of self-conception is a problem for about 20% of all married couples in the world. The doctor helps to overcome the problem of infertility, miscarriages, missed pregnancies. To do this, he selects adequate therapeutic methods, after a comprehensive examination of the couple who applied for help.

There are normal, judicial and clinical reproductology. Each of the branches interacts with many medical sections, such as: genetics, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, neurology, endocrinology, surgery, etc.

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What does a reproductive specialist do?

The doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility of various etiologies. He selects and develops methods and technologies for eliminating problems of reproductive function.

The reproductive specialist treats not only women, but also men. Problems with conception in different sexes have certain differences and arise under the influence of many factors, including as a result of diseases, due to hormonal disruptions, under the influence of external causes, etc. It is these factors that a reproductologist should be able to identify and correctly eliminate them .

The doctor should be well versed in human anatomy and physiology, in the features of male and female reproductive functions, in the mechanisms of conception, etc.

What diseases does a reproductive specialist treat?

All diseases leading to problems with conception are within the competence of a reproductive specialist. He must be able to identify them and prescribe therapy. The doctor can work with the patient both independently and in cooperation with other specialists.

Reproductologist helps to cope with the following pathologies:

  • Menstrual disorders.

  • Cystic formations that form on the genitals.

  • Sperm defects, sperm production disorders.

  • Adhesive formations.

  • Age-related changes affecting the function of reproduction.

  • Endometriosis.

  • Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.

  • Anomalies in the development of reproductive organs of a congenital nature.

  • Infections of the reproductive system.

  • Viral diseases.

  • Disorders of hormonal regulation.

  • Ovulation disorders.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.

  • Bacterial vaginosis.

  • Cytomegaly.

  • HPV.

  • Infertility of unknown etiology, etc.

If a couple is not able to conceive a child on their own, they need to seek the help of a reproductive specialist to try to solve this problem on a professional level. The specialist will help to more thoroughly understand this issue, perform a comprehensive diagnosis of both men and women. According to the results of the studies, the couple will be recommended appropriate treatment.

When should you contact a reproductive specialist?

When a woman has no problems with the menstrual cycle, menstruation is stable, ovulation is timely, she lives a regular sexual life with a regular sexual partner and practices unprotected intercourse, but pregnancy does not occur for a year – this is a reason to contact a reproductive specialist. If a woman is over 35 years old, then she needs to consult a specialist after six months of unsuccessful attempts at conception.

It is important that both sexual partners visit the doctor. The doctor will collect information about their health, lifestyle, sexual behavior.

In addition, consultation is required in the following cases:

  • Previous pregnancy ended in spontaneous miscarriage;

  • The woman was diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy;

  • Age-related changes in one or both sexual partners interfere with the conduct of a normal sexual life and the possibility of conception;

  • With pathologies of the reproductive system of a congenital nature;

  • With detected hormonal disorders;

  • With inflammation and infections of the genital organs;

  • With venereal diseases.

What tests should be taken when contacting a reproductive specialist?

If the couple has the results of the studies that they underwent before contacting the reproductive specialist, then they must be taken with them to the appointment.

It can be:

  • Spermogram;

  • The results of the ultrasound examination;

  • Blood tests for thyroid and pituitary hormones;

  • Study of hormones of the adrenal cortex;

  • Blood test for ovarian hormones;

  • Results of hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;

  • Identification of antispermal bodies;

  • Results of postcoital testing;

  • Immunogram results;

  • Results of hysterosalpinography;

  • Analysis of blood clotting and follicular reserve.

If studies have not been conducted, then the reproductologist himself can prescribe them. The choice of certain diagnostic methods is selected for each pair on an individual basis.

Diagnostic methods used by a reproductologist

The reproductologist most often uses the following diagnostic methods in his practice:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the uterus, ovaries, tubes, to identify their functionality and disorders. This method can be implemented both with the help of an abdominal sensor and with the help of a vaginal device.

  • Laparoscopy allows you to examine the organs of the abdominal cavity through small punctures in the wall of the peritoneum. This procedure is prescribed when other diagnostic methods (non-invasive) are uninformative. In addition, during laparoscopy, the doctor can perform some surgical procedures and prevent the need for surgery in the future.

  • Hysterosalpinography – this method makes it possible to assess the patency of the tubes, abnormalities in the formation of the uterus, infantilism.

  • A biopsy of the cervix makes it possible to perform a subsequent hysterological analysis to identify oncological processes and other pathologies.

The diagnostic methods that the reproductologist will prescribe will depend on the specific medical history and complaints of patients.

Reproductologist’s recommendations

  • Eating foods rich in vitamins D and E has a positive effect on sperm quality. In addition, the diet of every man should include zinc, vitamin C and selenium.

  • Sex life in couples seeking to become pregnant should be regular (preferably every other day).

  • The quality of sperm in the direction of its deterioration will be affected by visiting baths and saunas, taking hot baths.

  • An obstacle to conception of the fetus is alcohol, smoking, overweight and underweight.

  • Pregnancy planning should include taking vitamin complexes, avoiding stress, adherence to a balanced diet. It is important to spend enough time outdoors.

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