There are several ways to propagate the raspberries on the site. If the rules are followed, they all demonstrate good efficiency.
Peculiarities of propagation of garden raspberries
Garden raspberries are a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries, first bred in the late XNUMXth century in the United States. Currently, the plant is represented by many varieties and is very popular with summer residents.
Ezhemalina combines the best qualities of both parent cultures and has almost no drawbacks. Its advantages include:
- high productivity;
- large and juicy berries;
- unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
- increased frost resistance.
The shrub calmly tolerates drought and has good immunity to fungi.

You can grow jellyfish on fertile and poor soils.
You can increase the population of shrubs on the site without acquiring new seedlings. But the reproduction of the blackberry has its own characteristics. For breeding plants use only vegetative methods.
Seed propagation of blackberry is usually not carried out. Shrub pits do not germinate well, but the main disadvantage is that the interspecific hybrid does not retain unique varietal characteristics.
How the garden raspberry breeds
Raspberry propagation is carried out in three main ways. You can use lignified and green shoots of shrubs, as well as root shoots.
basal processes
Most varieties of culture abundantly produce basal shoots – young shoots that form on horizontally located underground rods. So that the growth does not spread uncontrollably around the site, it can be used to breed the raspberries consciously.
The breeding algorithm looks like this:
- In the spring, after the snow has melted, but before the start of active vegetation, an adult bush of cranberries is dug up.
- With a sterile sharp instrument, the roots are cut into pieces 10-15 cm long, leaving a growth bud in each section.
- The resulting cuttings are horizontally placed in fertile soil to a depth of about 20 cm.
- From above, the shoots are sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly.
During the warm season, root cuttings are provided with standard care. By autumn, the shoots should be strong enough.

When propagating the blackberry with pieces of roots, the growth buds should remain directed upwards.
Blackberry cuttings
Reproduction of the shrub by cuttings can be carried out using last year’s lignified and annual green shoots. The schema looks like this:
- At the end of spring, several branches are taken from a shrub older than two years and divided into pieces 20-25 cm long.
- Leaves are removed from the cuttings and an oblique cut is made at the bottom with a sharp knife.
- The shoots are dipped in a growth stimulator, and then planted in a container with nutrient soil or on a temporary bed.
- Plants are watered abundantly and covered with a glass or plastic container on top to create greenhouse conditions.
If you plant a blackberry with cuttings, then its roots will appear in about a month using this method of reproduction. After the shoots confidently start growing, they can be transferred to a permanent place so that they have time to get stronger before autumn.

Before planting, cuttings of blackberry can be dipped for a few seconds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate
Reproduction of blackberry tops
It is possible to root a blackberry with cuttings in the fall using layering. Reproduction is carried out as follows:
- In August, one of the lower young shoots of the shrub is bent to the ground.
- The top is dug in a shallow trench to a depth of 20 cm.
- Fix the shoot so that it does not straighten.
- The rest of the season is regularly watered with layers, and with the onset of autumn they are qualitatively insulated.
When using this method of propagation, the blackberry will sprout in early spring. When the shoots reach a height of about 15 cm and are strong enough, they can be separated from the main bush and transferred to a permanent place.

One shoot of blackberry when propagated by tops can produce several sprouts at once
Young planting care
After propagation of the blackberry by cuttings in autumn or spring, it is necessary to provide high-quality care for developing plants. It comes down to several procedures:
- Watering. Moisten the plant immediately after planting and then every two weeks in the absence of natural precipitation. It is impossible to fill in the cuttings, as their roots can rot.
- Top dressing. For the first time, it is necessary to fertilize the raspberries two years after planting young plants in a permanent place. Top dressing is performed three times per season, using standard complex minerals and organic matter.
- Garter. As the cranberry grows, it is necessary to install supports or trellises at least 2-3 m for it. The shoots of the plant are long and flexible, without support they will bend and break under the weight of the berries.
- Pruning. From the second year of life for a young shrub, it is necessary to carry out a sanitary and shaping haircut. Every autumn, dry, weakened and twisted branches are removed from the plant.
With the onset of cold weather, the shoots of a young shrub must be bent to the ground and covered with peat, straw, fallen leaves, spruce branches. With the onset of spring, the insulating material is removed so that the cranberry does not soak.
You can propagate raspberry by several vegetative methods. The culture takes root well on the site and does not require special care, although the bushes should be watered and trimmed regularly.