Reproduction of Kalanchoe at home

Reproduction of Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe is a medicinal house plant. It is unpretentious in care and cultivation. Propagated in several ways – by leaf, cuttings, “babies”, offspring, buds and seeds. Let us examine in detail each type of reproduction of the Kalanchoe.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe leaf

The easiest way is to cut off the fleshy adult leaf and plant it in a pot of damp soil, cover with a glass or plastic glass or jar. In order for the flower to take root faster, be sure to prepare fertile soil.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe leaves is carried out at any time of the year.

You can also plant fallen leaves of the plant. The main thing is that they are not dry. The fallen leaves are placed in a glass of water until the first roots appear, and then transplanted into a pot with fertilized moist soil.

Choose strong shoots 6-8 cm long. Cut them carefully and place them in a glass of water for about 2 weeks. When the shoots take root, move them to a pot with a damp potting medium.

The shoots are removed not only for reproduction, but also for the renewal of the flower. This is especially useful for branching Kalanchoe species. This “haircut” makes the bush of the plant lush. In addition, the more you pinch the top, the more new shoots will grow.

“Babies” are small full-fledged plants that are formed only on “viviparous” Kalanchoe. Among the popular varieties that reproduce in this way, the Kalanchoe Dergemona, pinnate and tube-colored, are distinguished.

The “kids” have leaves and roots. After ripening, they fall to the soil and take root on their own. If desired, they can be planted separately from the “mother”. To do this, the formed “baby” is broken off and moved into a pot with moist fertile soil.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe offspring

To get offspring, pinch the top of an adult plant after flowering. After a while, a new shoot sprouts next to the mother bush. This is the offspring.

When transplanting, it is important to carefully separate the offspring from the “mother”. If the roots are damaged, it will die. Prepare a sand-peat mixture for the offspring. Water the soil first.

After flowering and leaf fall, buds appear. They look like a small head of cabbage. Cut them off when they have a trunk 1−2 cm long.

They are planted in a moist substrate. The buds take root within a week. They quickly take root and germinate. The paniculate-flowered Kalanchoe species reproduce by buds.

Kalanchoe seeds are sown in early spring. In order for them to ascend, they carry out a number of works:

  • prepare moist soil with drainage;
  • scatter seeds evenly over the surface;
  • lightly press them down with your finger;
  • cover the pot with foil;
  • periodically remove the film and water the seeds.

It is important that the air temperature in the room is not lower than + 20 ° C. For watering, the water should be at room temperature. Water the seeds as needed. Sprouted shoots are transplanted into a separate pot.

The breeding method of Kalanchoe at home depends on the type of plant. The most common and simplest propagation is considered to be leaf and cuttings.

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