Reproduction of black currant by cuttings

Reproduction of black currant by cuttings

Reproduction of black currant in spring

Reproduction of black currant green cuttings

This method is more laborious and requires special attention from the gardener. Cuttings for planting are cut from green, well-developed annual shoots. For rooting, choose the middle part of the shoot with leaves, which are slightly pruned.

It is better to root the cuttings in the greenhouse, which guarantees a good result. Shoots are cut into cuttings 10 cm long, soaked overnight in a rooting stimulator and planted in a trench, deepening by 2 cm.

Immediately after planting, the garden bed is mulched with a thick layer of humus, which will help to retain moisture. Young seedlings overwinter in a greenhouse.

Reproduction of black currant by cuttings makes it possible to get good planting material for the garden in the second year. But this will require special care and attention:

  • in spring, the shoots are cut off, leaving only four well-developed buds;
  • flowers and ovaries are plucked out in the first year so that the bush grows a good root system;
  • the soil is loosened carefully, without injuring the surface roots.

In addition, during the dry period, the seedlings must be watered, and on poor soils they are fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

Try growing a blackcurrant bush from a cuttings and the process will definitely captivate you. Remember that the berry will bear fruit only in the third year, and the peak yield will reach by six years. When growing black currants from cuttings, do not forget to rejuvenate the planting after ten years.

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