
Useful properties and application of common popovnik

Botanical characteristics of the supplement


Replenishment is an interesting herbaceous perennial that often does not grow more than 60 cm in height. It has crenate, obovate and oblong serrated leaves, arranged on an upright furrowed stem. Single flower baskets of a white shade are quite large, very similar to an ordinary chamomile. The flat receptacle has scales. A small fruit is represented by a typical oblong, ribbed achene without a crest.

Popovnik has a slightly aromatic smell and a pungent taste. Such a plant blooms from May to August, the fruits ripen in early September. As a rule, for its growth, the plant chooses slopes, meadows, forest glades and pine forests, and is also happy to settle along roads in many regions of Russia.

Useful properties of popovnik

Popovnik boasts of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, wound healing, diuretic, antihelminthic and insecticidal properties. Since this plant contains inulin and alkaloids, carotene and ascorbic acid, it is widely used in folk medicine.

It should be noted that a large amount of fatty oil was found in the seeds of popovnik. Various infusions and decoctions of the plant are indicated for colds, fevers, coughs, hemorrhoids, pulmonary tuberculosis, some eye diseases, urinary incontinence, migraines, severe gastrointestinal colic, and suffocation. Flower infusions can be used externally for all kinds of skin rashes, lichen and ulcers.

Popovnik application

For various women’s diseases and gastric ailments, miraculous decoctions from the aerial parts of the priest are used. To prepare an effective infusion, we take 2 teaspoons without a top of grass with flower baskets and pour such raw materials with a full glass of boiling water. After 4 hours of infusion, it is recommended to strain such a healing agent well and take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. It should be noted that such a wonderful remedy is also effective in convulsions.

Popovnik is indicated for intestinal disorders, for the expulsion of small worms and as a healing agent after insect bites. If you combine popovnik grass with ordinary butter, you get an excellent ointment that perfectly restores the integrity of the skin. The flowers of this plant are an excellent diuretic due to their anti-spasmodic effect on the body.

Popovnik decoction also helps to calm the nervous system, relieve severe pain in gynecological diseases, and also has a mild laxative effect.

Popovnik ordinary

Popovnik ordinary is a magnificent perennial plant of the well-known Asteraceae family, which is distinguished by a straight, unbranched stem no more than 85 cm high. It has small alternate leaves with a coarsely serrated edge. White flowers are located in rather large single baskets. The fruit is a ribbed oblong achene without a tuft.

Such a plant blooms all three summer months. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively and by seeds. The common popovnik chooses loamy and sandy loamy soils, often settles with pleasure in forest clearings and meadows, preferring fertile and well-drained soils.

Contraindications to the use of the popovnik

Such a harmless plant has absolutely no contraindications.

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