Replacing the thermostat in the refrigerator, repair price

In our article we will talk about replacing the thermostat in the refrigerator, signs of its malfunction. You will learn how to deal with a breakdown on your own, as well as perform repairs without the help of a master.

Signs of breakdown and the principle of operation of the thermostat

Despite the high-quality assembly, any refrigerator can break. If you pay attention to the signs of a problem in time, you can avoid serious repairs.

The thermostat is an important component for the normal operation of equipment. In refrigerators with electromechanical control, the controller includes a temperature sensor that measures the temperature in the chamber. Thus, the thermostat sends a command to the motor-compressor to start or end work.

In the latest models of refrigerators equipped with a control module, there is a thermostat. The latter sends information about the temperature in the chamber to the main module, after which the module instructs the compressor to turn on for cooling.

How to understand that the thermostat is faulty? Take a closer look – it does not work as it should, if you notice that:

  • snow formed on the walls of the chamber;
  • the compressor runs non-stop;
  • the motor does not turn on at all;
  • there is no cold in the chamber, although the regulator is at the maximum level.

All signs point to a problem with the temperature controller. To repair the equipment, you can call the master, but then the price of repairs will increase significantly. You can try to handle the part replacement yourself by following our guide.

You can find out how much a new part costs in the online store. Be sure to choose a thermostat for a specific refrigerator model: for example, for Stinol 265, 101 or K59 they are different.

How to find a temperature controller

In the early models of Indesit, Atlant, and Stinol refrigeration equipment, the thermostat was installed inside the chamber, on the side wall. In two-chamber refrigerators “Nord”, “Ariston”, “Biryusa 18” and other brands, the location of the regulator is outside, above the top door. In any case, this part is associated with the adjustment knob.

It is enough to remove the protective housing and replace the defective element.

Repair by own hands

To replace a part, follow the instructions. It is relevant for all refrigerators with a similar arrangement of the thermostat:

  1. Open the top compartment door of the refrigerator.
  2. Unscrew the screws that are located under the top cover. 
  3. Using a flathead screwdriver, pry out the latches that secure the cover at the top.
  4. Lift the cover up and remove.
  5. Behind it is a thermostat with a nut. To loosen it, unscrew the two screws on one and the other side of the panel. 
  6. Loosen the thermostat nut.
  7. Slide the lid away from the refrigerator body.
  8. On the inside there is a hook that secures the wire. Pull out the hook. 
  9. Now pull out the thermostat with wires.
  10. Disconnect the wires from the part. 
  11. Pull out the tube of the freon flask, which goes into the housing.
  12. Take a new part and connect wires to it.
  13. Install in reverse order.

If your refrigerator has a thermostat inside the chamber, then replacing it is even easier. It is enough to unscrew the protective housing, disconnect the wires of the regulator and install the working part.

It is quite possible to replace the temperature controller yourself. The main thing is to choose the right new part, as well as follow the sequence of actions. To facilitate the assembly of equipment, film all actions on the camera. So you will not confuse anything and will soon be using the refrigerator again.

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