Freon leak (gas, refrigerant) is one of the most typical breakdowns of refrigeration equipment. Next, we will look at what breakdowns most often cause a leak, the most vulnerable places in the refrigerator and the procedure for working when such a problem is detected.
Where do leaks most often occur?
The most common leak locations are:
- Factory soldered or lockring connections. The cause of leakage in these places may be natural deformations or factory defects of the connections.
- Weeping evaporator zone. The material from which this part is usually made is aluminum. This metal rusts easily, therefore, under the influence of a humid environment, microcracks can occur in places of corrosion. Through these damages, freon slowly but surely escapes.
- Steel heating circuitlocated around the freezer. This circuit serves to evaporate the moisture that forms around the perimeter of the freezer compartment during temperature fluctuations. Constant moisture leads to damage to the metal, due to which the circuit begins to pass gas. Such a problem is especially likely for Atlant, Indesit or Samsung refrigerators after 5 years of operation.
How to find a leak: signs of a malfunction
To understand whether freon replacement in the refrigerator is necessary, you will have to accurately diagnose the cause of the breakdown. This is usually within the power of a specialist equipped with the necessary diagnostic tools. But the technique can give a number of “signals”, noticing which, you can independently determine that a refrigerant leak has occurred in the system:
- Refrigerator too little cooling and freezing. This is typical for gas leaks in the early stages. In general, the equipment is in operating mode, but the temperature in the chambers may be higher than the user-specified values. If the model has two compressors, then there will be problems with one of the compartments, with one – two chambers will not cool well at once.
- Long cycle of the motor-compressoralmost without pause. This behavior is due to the fact that when there is a leak in the system, the pressure decreases, and the motor tries to compensate for the increased temperature in the chambers by prolonged operation.
- The chambers are warm, the compressor does not work. Having worked on the remnants of freon, the equipment stops due to the complete evaporation of the gas. If the engine no longer starts, the coolant supply has run out and a refill is required.
Important! How much does it cost to charge freon? In the workshops of Moscow and the region, the price of such work can be from 1000 to 3000 rubles. The cost of work may vary depending on the type of equipment, the number of compressors and the complexity of the breakdown.
- Alarm sound or indication. Almost every model of a modern refrigerator provides for an alarm when the temperature rises in one of the chambers. There is a red (rarely yellow) light on the case, which can be constantly on or blinking. In addition, flashing may be accompanied by sound. Electronic models can silently respond to a leak by displaying an error code on the electronic scoreboard.
- External signs. If everything is in order with freezing and cooling, inspect the inner walls of the chambers – perhaps a “coat” of snow or ice has grown on them in the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe evaporator (in this case, the leak should be looked for in the evaporator). Are there rust marks around the perimeter of the door? Most likely, the place of leakage is a “warm” circuit. When the body wall is swollen, it is even easier to find the leak – most likely, it is under the swollen area.
Wherever a leak is found, repair is not possible. You will need special tools and professional equipment for replacement. In addition, as with any work with a “cold” circuit, you will need to replace the filter-drier – soldering is indispensable here. Entrust the work to a professional to avoid problems after self-intervention.
When you need to recharge freon
Refrigerant charge is required at each depressurization. This phenomenon is usually caused by such factors:
- Refrigerant leak due to natural wear and tear of equipment.
- Penetration of the capillary from blockage. Typically, the capillary tube becomes clogged due to the penetration of moisture particles and organic compounds into the system. To eliminate the blockage, the master punches the cork with a special press. The second, more effective way is to replace the contour. In any case, after removing the blockage, it will be necessary to seal the system and refill the freon.
- Compressor replacement. When a decompression or motor failure occurs due to a power surge, it is replaced with a new one. This is followed by the necessary soldering and refrigerant charging.
How is refueling
Although charging the refrigerant is the responsibility of the repairman, we will describe the procedure for you in order to orient you in the complexity of the work. This will become a small cheat sheet for you in case you decide to save money and use the services of a private master – check the scheme we have described so as not to be deceived.
- Gas leak detection. The specialist conducts a visual inspection of the refrigerator cabinet in search of visible signs of leakage – smudges, rust or swelling. Further diagnostics is carried out using a leak detector – this unit records the maximum content of freon vapor in the air.
- Elimination of leakage. The specifics of the work is determined depending on the localization of the problem. If the place is easily accessible, for example, it is the rust of a steel heating circuit, then it is simply cut off and looped. If the problem is in the foam part of the case, the repairman informs you about the expediency of the work: the thermal insulation can be opened or the evaporator can be completely replaced.
- Installing a filter drier. The old element is removed and replaced with a new one – this will protect the system from moisture penetration. Dismantling the old filter is simple – it is cut off, a new one is soldered.
- Leak test. By pumping nitrogen into the system and watching the pressure gauge, the master determines how well the pressure in the system is maintained. If the test is successful, the gas is vented and work continues.
- Evacuation. To eliminate excess air and moisture particles, it is necessary to ensure the complete vacuum of the system. For this, a pump connected to the Schrader valve is used – it pumps out air to the required level.
- Actually, refill. Being at the finish line, the repairman selects the refrigerant of the required brand and fills the refrigerator also through the above Schroeder valve. The required amount of freon is calculated based on the manufacturer’s instructions. Refueling is controlled by the pressure gauge or by weighing the cylinder.
- Checking the success of the work performed. After refueling, the master makes sure that the system is fully operational and issues a warranty card.
Now you know all about the leak – why and where it appears, how its location is determined and how repairs are carried out. We advise you to contact only trusted workshops so that all work is carried out in accordance with the standards, and your refrigerator will work for many more years.