Repair of refrigerators in Yubileiny at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Balance reigns in the world – while the Arctic ice wraps around the pole of our planet, in the Sahara there is incredible heat, while a cake is toasted in the oven, ice crystals for a cocktail freeze in the refrigerator. Heat and cold always go hand in hand with man. It is important to be able to control these phenomena, because, removing raw dinner from the oven, and spoiled food from the refrigerator, you are unlikely to feel like a master in your kitchen.

After the fairy tale, the word is said – our ancestors used to say. We tell you that in such cases it is worth returning to reality and acting constructively, namely, if the refrigerator breaks down – call a good master. You already know that the master needs to be called, without our teachings, but the fact that he must be an excellent professional is often overlooked, but in vain. If the master is incompetent, then the refrigerator will either be repaired with a bang, or it will not be repaired at all. As a result – spending on a new master, and even on a new refrigerator. Not a very impressive prospect, is it? And now we will tell a little about ourselves.

We are a company with five years of experience in Yubileiny. We’ve probably repaired a third of the refrigerators in the entire city, if not more. For our professionalism, our craftsmen and our prices, every second resident of Yubileiny chooses us. Don’t believe? And check out our benefits:

  • Departure of the master to the house in Yubileiny – the master will not get lost, he will find your house, apartment and will appear on time, at the agreed time.
  • Calling a master at home in Yubileiny for free – well, what is a service for a Russian person if there is not a little “sweet vinegar” in it? We have this stuff in bulk, because the next service can become free.
  • It’s about accurate diagnosis. Free diagnostics will be when you order a repair from us.
  • Warranty – this convenient service provides absolutely for all work, free of charge and for a long time, also in the form of BO-1.
  • Schedule. If you look at it through the eyes of a mathematician, then along the X axis it is convenient, because we work from 8.00 to 23.00, and on the Y axis twice convenient, because we do not celebrate holidays and do not rest on weekends. That is, we work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 (or even 366) days a year.
  • Constant availability of all necessary parts We have all the spare parts to repair any breakdowns.
  • Professionalism of the masters, their high qualifications and degree of responsibility have made them a good reputation, so you can be sure that the refrigerator will be repaired by the MASTER with a capital letter.
  • Repair of ANY refrigerators. Everything is clear here: imported, domestic, old, new, built-in, free-standing – all this does not play a role for the master. We repair anything and everything.

Refrigerator repair price list


In order for this whole range of our services and benefits to benefit you, you need to detect a breakdown, malfunction, problem or failure in time. To do this, you don’t need to sit with an ammeter near the unit – you just need to take a closer look, since there are a lot of problems with refrigerators:

  • Snow or ice builds up on the evaporator or refrigerator walls.
  • The refrigerator is overheating (in various places).
  • There is no cold in the refrigerator compartment.
  • There is no frost in the freezer.
  • Loud operation (noise, hum, crackling or knocking) of the device.
  • The compressor does not turn off – it works “for wear” for a long time.
  • There was an unpleasant “technical” smell in the refrigerator.
  • Refrigerator leaked.
  • There was a failure in the operation of the control panel, the buttons were broken, the electronic scoreboard did not work.
  • The red light “Attention” is on, on imported models “Alarm”.

By the way, you can find our company in Yubileiny at:

Moscow region, Yubileiny, Lesnaya street, 12

And our phone number to call the master and all questions is: 8 (800) 600-30-23

And now a few words about our specialist, who has been working for the benefit of Yubileiny and all the broken refrigerators in it for 2,5 years:

Belikov Alexander Alexandrovich

Our team politely calls this 56-year-old respected man San Sanych. San Sanych has about 5 hundred repaired refrigerators on his account – and this is only in our company, and how much he has repaired in his entire life! We recommend you this excellent specialist, whose experience is the envy of more than one young master, whose mind and insight help him in his hard work, whose punctuality and responsibility make him one of the best craftsmen in our company.

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