Repair of refrigerators in Vidnoye at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Our company for repair of household refrigerators in Vidnoye has been familiar to the residents of this city for several days already – five years of work experience has done its job: we are advised, praised, recommended to friends and acquaintances. And this is not a lie, because we treat our work as an interesting hobby – we treat everything, even the most routine work process, creatively and with a smile. The main thing is not just to fix the refrigerator (after all, it is still a piece of metal), but to do your job in such a way as to earn the client’s smile.

In addition to doing repairs, we help you avoid breakdowns by suggesting which problems can significantly harm your refrigerator so that you can fix them in time – on your own or with the help of a master.

In Vidnoye, customers most often come to us with complaints about such problems of refrigerators:

  • “Electronic” problems: failure in the electronic control system, the buttons do not work, the electronic scoreboard does not function, the red light “Attention!” (in domestic models) or “Alarm” (in imported).
  • “Cold” problems: the absence of such a phenomenon as cold in the refrigerator, the freezer does not freeze, ice, hoarfrost or snow freezes on the evaporator and machines of the refrigerator, it is not cold enough in the main chamber, the temperature in the refrigerator does not correspond to the values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthat you set on the thermostat, etc.
  • “Technical problems”: the refrigerator is quite noisy: it creaks, buzzes, makes knocking or ringing sounds, water collects in the refrigerator, the outer walls of the refrigerator cabinet overheat. And also the upper surface of the device and the distance between the freezing and refrigerating chambers heat up, the compressor does not rest much, while working for too long, and many others.

Refrigerator repair price list


If you find a problem with your refrigerator in the list above, then call us and we will tell you how to fix it or we will come and do it ourselves. But, don’t worry – we can repair any malfunction, deal with any problem and breakdown.

By the way, you can call us at +8 (800) 600-30-23 – we are waiting for your calls and questions

Also, we can’t help but tell you a little about ourselves, as we have a lot of advantages, and we want you to know about them:

  1. Do not want to move a heavy refrigerator from its place and drag it to the workshop? And you do not need to do this, since we have a service – refrigerator repair in Vidnoye at home.
  2. In addition, we are sure that you will like the fact that calling the master to the house in Vidnoye is not paid.
  3. Our experts find the cause of the breakdown in a few minutes, and all this thanks to accurate diagnosis service and availability of professional diagnostic equipment.
  4. In addition, you will surely be pleased to know that when ordering our repair services, diagnostics is free.
  5. Мы we repair all refrigerators, any type, brand, year of manufacture, regardless of the country of origin and type of breakdown.
  6. We constantly ALL the necessary parts are available, spare parts and accessories for your refrigerators, so the breakdown is eliminated, as a rule, in one visit of the master.
  7. Speaking of masters – our the staff of specialists consists exclusively of professionals. We had both beginners, young people and inexperienced personnel, but after 5 years of work they became real professionals under the clear guidance of more experienced craftsmen, now our company has a real team of people with “golden hands”, see for yourself.
  8. Working hours: convenient, flexible, individual. Our work starts at 8.00 and ends at 23.00, however, the “trick” is not only in this: we do not have lunch breaks, holidays, weekends, recounts, vacations and vacations – we work every day of the year.
  9. And most importantly, we any work is guaranteed, but not some piece of paper, but a coupon in the form of BO-1 for a period of three months to 3 years.
  10. Democratic prices for our services rolls over, you can find the price list for them directly on the site:

In Vidnoye you can find our company at this address:

Moscow region, Vidnoe, Construction street, 3

Why don’t you meet one of our best specialists who repairs refrigerators in Vidnoe year after year? This master has earned recognition thanks to his painstaking work.

Sergeev Viktor Valerievich

A native inhabitant of Vidnoye joined our friendly team 4 years ago. Prior to that, he was an amateur craftsman, helping relatives and friends to repair household appliances, but did not engage in private repairs. He came to us by chance, went through qualified training and immediately began to demonstrate excellent results, repairing several dozen refrigerators a month. Victor Valeryevich receives a lot of positive feedback every day about the quality of his work.

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