Repair of refrigerators in Troitsk at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Repair of refrigerators in Troitsk from the company “BYTTEHSERVICE”

Have you ever repaired a refrigerator?

And we repaired, we repair, and we will repair, therefore we offer you the service of repairing refrigerators in Troitsk at home.

The main thing is that we repair not “a blunder” and not like everyone else, but reliably and efficiently. If you want to make sure that we will take and repair your refrigerator exactly as we promise, then just make a phone call and call the master. By the way, you can make a call by phone:

+8 (800) 600-30-23

By the way, why is our repair good? – You may ask. Yes, because in addition to repairs, we still have a lot of advantages so that you appreciate all the comfort and convenience of working with you. Here are the benefits in question:

  • Refrigerator repair at home in Troitsk – you call the master and don’t even think about taking the refrigerator somewhere, because home repairs have long been the norm. No hassle and great benefits.
  • The benefit is that departure of the master to the house in Troitsk free of charge. Save on calling a technician and invest in more planned things than a refrigerator breakdown.
  • Guarantee for all works. We are talking about a warranty card in the form of BO-1 for a long period.
  • Fault Diagnosis – fast, accurate and professional. Instead of a long disassembly of the refrigerator and an hour-long search for breakdowns, there is a diagnostic that allows you to quickly find the cause of the breakdown.
  • Diagnostics is free and for this you just need to order repairs from us, and not, for example, in the workshop across the street.
  • “BYTTEHSERVICE” works tirelessly – Our work schedule is from 8.00 to 23.00 – and this is as much as 15 hours of continuous work every day – without days off and holidays.
  • Professional Masters is the basis of all our services. Thanks to them, our repair service exists. Thanks to them, every day several dozen refrigerators in Troitsk acquire a “new life” in the hands of our specialists.
  • We can repair all types of refrigerators: repair of imported refrigerators, repair of domestic units, repair of any brands and models of refrigerators, elimination of any breakdowns – all this is in our competence.
  • In our warehouses always have all the necessary spare parts for any refrigerator.
  • And also we offer emergency refrigerator repair service – save your time with us.
  • And about prices – if you find repairs are cheaper and better, then call us, we will offer you an even more interesting offer. See prices for services here.

Refrigerator repair price list


By the way, in Troitsk, for any questions you are interested in, you can contact the following address: Moscow, Troitsk microdistrict, Akademicheskaya square, 4

Repairs will be made faster if you indicate the problem when you call us. Choose from the list those that are suitable – that affected your refrigerator, and you can safely call us. And in Troitsk, most often we eliminate such problems of refrigerators:

  • Refrigerating chamber: does not work, does not cool, freezes up, smells unpleasant, the light does not work in it, water collects, etc.
  • Freezer: does not freeze, freezes over with ice or snow.
  • Compressor: hums, makes noise, knocks, squeaks or makes other sounds, runs for a long time, rests too little, lost performance.
  • Refrigerator: overheats in the area of ​​​​the side walls, overheats from above – the “tabletop” is heated.
  • Electronic panel: out of order, broken buttons, scoreboard, indicators.
  • Refrigerator: leaking, broken, does not turn on and many other problems.

And a little about one of our best professionals in Troitsk:

Kuzmin Fedor Nikolaevich

Fedor, or simply Fedya, as his team calls him, has been working with us for over a year. But before that, Fedya had been repairing refrigerators in St. Petersburg for 10 years, after which he moved to Troitsk and got a job with us. Fedor honestly justified all the recommendations, assuring us and the residents of Troitsk that he is a true professional. In his hands, any work develops – repair is undoubtedly his vocation, because he loves his work and does not hide it. And if an ordinary home craftsman often does not hammer a nail without a swear word, then Fedor has no resentment in his thoughts. “Techniques are made to break, to be repaired, so that people have something to do,” our master jokes. Contact you, and real repair legends, such as Fedor, will repair your refrigerator.

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