We are ready to take on the repair of your refrigerator right now – without unnecessary arguments and promises. But we’ll still tell you a little about ourselves so that you don’t get the impression that you have to give your refrigerator into the hands of the first comers.
We have been working in Shcherbinka for 5 years already. Trust and love of customers did not come immediately, but the result of our work still exceeded all expectations, because thanks to our customers we have done a lot over the years, improving our service step by step. And now our advantages speak for us, which, to be honest, we have a lot:
- We carry out all repairs at home – we always have a repair of refrigerators at home in Shcherbinka.
- If you’re interested in saving a little, then you’ll love the fact that calling a master at home in Shcherbinka is free, and at any address.
- If you need guarantees, we will definitely provide them in the form warranty card in the form of BO-1 for up to 3 years.
- Interested in a quick but effective repair? This will help our accurate diagnosis service, it has 2 pluses: the first is the accurate detection of a breakdown and its causes, the second is a more efficient and faster repair.
- If you are still concerned about the issue of saving money, then there is a second reason to replenish the piggy bank – for free diagnostics you need to book a repair with us.
- By the way, if you are still worried that the master will not repair your refrigerator, because it is old or, on the contrary, too new or the brand is rare, for example, then you can put aside doubts and call us. All because we repair all types of refrigerators.
- In addition, if you are interested in long-term protection of the refrigerator from breakdowns, we can offer a kind of “refrigeration antivirus” – banal maintenance service. With our maintenance, breakdowns will not be terrible for the device.
- You will also be pleased with the work schedule, because no one works as long and hard as we work from 8.00 to 23.00 dailyeven without holidays.
- Undoubtedly, many are interested in the question of price. To some, our prices will seem ridiculous and insignificant, but for some they will become quite a tangible amount, although we nevertheless made them the most democratic.
- Well, we should pay tribute to our professionals – our team has the best repairmen in Shcherbinkawho are not only competent, but also polite, accurate, efficient and punctual – and these qualities are necessary for any master.
Refrigerator repair price list
By the way, did you know that the repair will bring more benefits and take less money from you if you call the master on time – not when the unit is completely broken, but when only the “first news” of the breakdown appeared – problems? If this information is somewhat new or not new for you, but it won’t hurt to refresh, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the problems that our customers complain about most often:
- So-called “snow-ice” problems: snow or ice freezes on the evaporator, as well as on the walls of the chamber. Moreover, after defrosting, it is very quickly restored in volume – this is already a signal of a possible malfunction.
- “Compressor” problems: the motor-compressor works for wear – it works too much and rests too little, and not vice versa. In addition, due to improper operation of the motor, the refrigerator may interfere with too loud noise.
- “Chamber” problems: the refrigerating chamber does not cool enough, and there is no frost in the freezer, or only one of the chambers does not work – more often the refrigerating one. There is an unpleasant smell in the cells or water has appeared. In the main chamber, food freezes too much, as in a freezer.
- Problems “electronic-electrical”: no light in the refrigerator, the control panel is out of order, the buttons have lost their functionality, the indicators do not light, the red light “Attention!” – she is “Alarm” in imported models of refrigerators.
- The problems are common and different: the refrigerator is leaking, the refrigerator does not defrost automatically, various functions and programs do not work in the refrigerator, such as super freezing or No Frost.
To call a master who will solve any of the listed problems, call: 8 (800) 600-30-23
And if you are interested in our location, then we will share information about the address:
Moscow region, Shcherbinka, st. Industrial, 9
And I would also like to pay attention to our masters on this page, or rather one of them, who still remains the absolute leader in our team, thanks to professionalism, experience and quickness.
Olegov Danila Denisovich
Danila is our best shot in Shcherbinka. Undoubtedly, the rest of the specialists are no worse, just without a leader, not a single team is anywhere. This master worked with us for almost 4 years and never let us down, did not blunder or do something stupid. All his work is impeccable, speed can only be envied, and his repair results could surprise refrigerator developers if they knew how Danila repairs. After Danila’s repair, the refrigerator stubbornly doesn’t “want” to break, only if you don’t “help” him with this on his own – we are talking about leaving, etc. We recommend Danila to you as an excellent craftsman and a good specialist in all matters related to refrigeration equipment.