Repair of refrigerators in Pushkino at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Household appliances are the same necessary thing today as a phone or shoes. A person cannot live a day normally without the conditions of comfort familiar to him. The refrigerator also refers to such things without which it is difficult to live. And, despite the root “cold” in this word, this household appliance is needed not only in summer, but also in harsh winter – for someone to keep a piece of summer in it, and for someone in order to see fresh food on the table every day. products. It doesn’t matter why you need a refrigerator, the important thing is that you just need it and that’s it. This means that if it breaks down with repairs, you should not hesitate, because a short-term faulty refrigerator is not considered not broken.

Most likely, you are accustomed to quality services in your life, so we want to offer you really high quality refrigerator repair, moreover, we deserve it – 5 years of work in Pushkino, a lot of positive reviews and the professionalism of the masters are not our only advantages, because we can safely offer you something else:

  • Repair of refrigerators at home in Pushkino – a convenient solution instead of the troublesome transportation of the refrigerator to the workshop.
  • Departure of the master to the house in Pushkino is free Now you can save even more on refrigerator repairs if you call us.
  • Mandatory guarantee for all work is a must-have service that takes care of your refrigerator even after it has been repaired. The coupon is issued in the form BO-1 for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years.
  • Refrigerator Troubleshooting – service of exact search of the reasons of breakage, and it does repair more effective and reliable.
  • Free diagnostics when ordering repairs – a great way to make repairs cheaper, from which it will not become less quality.
  • “BYTTEHSERVICE” repairs all types of refrigerators: the production of the unit can be both imported and domestic, repair of almost all brands and models of refrigerators.
  • We always have all spare parts in stock for any refrigerators and for their faster repair.
  • Most convenient work schedule for you: from 8.00 to 23.00 every day – without holidays and weekends.
  • And also the most affordable repair prices refrigerators price Pushkino |

Call the master simply by calling +8 (800) 600-30-23

And also you have the opportunity, if necessary, to visit our workshop, which is located at:

Moscow region, Pushkino, st. Moskovsky prospect, 5

Refrigerator repair price list


To make repairs even faster, it would not hurt if you told us what happened to your refrigerator when you called. Most often, residents of Pushkino complain to us about such problems with refrigerators:

  • Refrigerator leaking – water is accumulating inside the refrigerator or leaking from under the refrigerator.
  • An unpleasant “technical” smell appeared in the cells.
  • The control panel is broken.
  • The electronic scoreboard does not work.
  • The refrigerator compartment is too warm, despite the fact that the thermostat has become set to high marks.
  • No Frost does not work.
  • Freezer broke.
  • There is no light in the refrigerator.
  • The thermostats are broken.
  • There is no cold in the main chamber.
  • There is a rather noisy operation of the motor-compressor.
  • The red warning light is on. or “Alarm”.
  • The refrigerator cabinet overheats: the side walls, the top of the cabinet (countertop) and the gap between the chambers.
  • The automatic defrost function does not work.
  • Superfreeze problems and other refrigeration problems.

We have not yet said a word about the main symbol of our success and hundreds of repaired refrigerators in Pushkino. We are talking about our professionals – highly qualified craftsmen who deserve real praise and respect for their hard, but necessary work. Today we will introduce you to one of them – our best specialist in Pushkino.

Ivlev German Alexandrovich

Master Herman has been working with us for more than 2 years and during these 24-odd months he has proved to us and our clients that he is a truly talented professional. The main quality of German Alexandrovich is efficiency. Delays with departure or prolonged fuss at the will of the refrigerator – this is not about him. It is about such people that they say that they have “work in their hands,” and Herman’s work is by no means a hasty job. All the refrigerators repaired by him have never been repaired again – even our customers did not use guarantees in 99% of cases – the master does his job so well. And by the way, we did not decide that he is the best – we understood this from your warm reviews with words of gratitude. If it is Master Herman who is destined to repair your refrigerator, then the unit will work for a very long time.

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