Repair of refrigerators in Novoperedelkino at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Repair of household refrigerators in Novoperedelkino from the company  “BYTEHSERVIS”

Urgent help for your refrigerator quickly and inexpensively from “BYTEHSERVIS”. 5 years of work in Novoperedelkino and hundreds of calls and letters from grateful customers are proof of our successful work and a reason to trust us. If you entrust your refrigerator to us, your appliances will thank you for many years of work. It will also be convenient that calling the master is simple – you do not need to fill out questionnaires, send applications by e-mail. You only need to call the number:

+8 (800) 600-30-23

In order for the repair to proceed as quickly as possible – in just one visit of the master, it is advisable to briefly explain what happened to your refrigerator when applying for repairs. You don’t need to be a technically savvy person to do this. All you need to do is report a problem. In Novoperedelkino, we most often complain about such problems of refrigerators:

  • No frost in the freezer.
  • The refrigerator is leaking, or water is collecting in the refrigerator compartment.
  • There is no cold in the main chamber, or quite the opposite – the main chamber refreezes food.
  • Bad smell in the refrigerator.
  • Loud operation of the motor-compressor: noise, hum, knock, clicks and other sounds during operation.
  • Ice or a snow “coat” freezes on the evaporator or on the walls of the chambers.
  • Failure of the electronic control panel – breakdown of the scoreboard, error on the screen, buttons, indicators do not work, the red light is on.
  • The compressor does not turn off.
  • Compressor running for a long time, short pause for rest.
  • Refrigerator does not turn on.
  • Only one chamber works – more often it is a freezer.
  • blockage of the capillary.
  • The refrigerator is overheating – especially the walls and top of the refrigerator. It also heats up the area between the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
  • Refrigerator stopped working after shipping.

Refrigerator repair price list


All of the problems that we have listed for you (and not only these malfunctions), we can easily eliminate, thanks to the skills and experience of our specialists. But that is not all. We also want to tell you about our advantages:

  • Repair of refrigerators at home in Novoperedelkino – the master goes to you himself and you do not need to take your refrigerator anywhere.
  • Calling the master to the house in Novoperedelkino is free – the master has not yet arrived to you, and you have already begun to save.
  • Services and parts are all subject to our close supervision, so we provide you guarantee in the form of BO-1 for a period of three months to 3 years.
  • In order for the breakdown to be detected as quickly and accurately as possible, we offer you diagnostic service.
  • If you order repairs from us, then we will give you a small gift for your recognition – free diagnostics.
  • For all types of refrigerators, we always have all spare parts and parts in stock, because we We repair all types of refrigerators: imported and domestic units, old and new refrigerators.
  • We have developed the most convenient for you work schedule – from 8.00 to 23.00 daily – without being distracted by weekends and holidays, not to mention lunch breaks and other pauses that we do not allow ourselves.
  • It is important for us that you are always satisfied with our work, so we took only the best craftsmen in Novoperedelkino.
  • With us, you can always quickly and inexpensively arrange maintenance – our maintenance will be an excellent insurance for the refrigerator’s performance.
  • And also we have affordable prices and to be sure of this, you can look at the price list.

In Novoperedelkino, our company is located at: Novoperedelkinskaya street, 9a

And, recall that you can call the master simply by calling:

+8 (800) 600-30-23

We would also like to say a few words about our specialists, or rather about one of them – one of our best specialists in Novoperedelkino:

Timkin Nikita Genrikhovich

Nikita has been working with us since time immemorial – that is, from the very beginning of our company’s work – and this has been for more than five years. His work is always durable, and refrigerators after Nikita’s repair do not break, but work until the very “old age”, working out their entire working resource in full, or even more. Diagnostics, repair, refilling with freon – all this is done by the master easily, quickly and reliably. He is thanked quite often because thanks to his work, many people no longer need to buy a new refrigerator.

If you are interested in reviews about the work of master Nikita and our work, then you can read them right on this page:

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