Repair of refrigerators in Noginsk at home. 0 rub master’s call!

Are you still looking for home refrigerator repair? Have you still not managed to find a good master? You are not satisfied with the prices for repairs? Come to us – you will be our client! Why are we so sure?

Because we have something to offer you!

We offer all the best when it comes to refrigerator repair: home services, good specialists, reasonable prices, and a lot of interesting things, about which a little later. Now let’s get acquainted.

We are the BYTTEHSERVICE company. We have been working in Noginsk for more than five years, we have repaired so many refrigerators during this time that if you put them one on top of the other, you get an enviable mountain, even Everest can envy a little.

Refrigerator repair price list


Now we will offer you to be a small diagnostician yourself. Your task is to identify a breakdown, malfunction, problem, in order to more accurately set the task for one of our masters – so that he takes all the necessary tools and spare parts with him and quickly “breathes life” into your household appliance. We noticed that in Noginsk most often we are approached with such problems of refrigerators:

  • Camera issues: the refrigerator compartment may not cool well enough, and the freezer compartment may not be frosty at all. Sometimes icing or a thick layer of snow/hoarfrost appears in the chambers. The chambers may smell unpleasant – “technical aroma”, water will appear, or even one of them may “go on vacation” and not work – more often it is a refrigerator.
  • Compressor problems: this important detail for the refrigerator becomes too noticeable in your home – it knocks, buzzes, rings, clicks, clicks, makes noise, in general. In addition, the motor-compressor may not work properly – “plow” a lot and have very little rest, and since this is very harmful and threatens to lose the performance of the unit, you should not give up on this problem.
  • Problems with the electronic and electrical component of the refrigerator: new models have a control panel that often breaks down – the screen fails, they do not respond to button presses, all the indicators are on or none of them are on. As for the electrics, there may be no light in the refrigerator, or maybe it may or may not be – this is an occasion to show the refrigerator to “his doctor”, that is, the master.

There are still a lot of refrigerator problems, but if you have found at least one or have not found a single one, but you intuitively feel that something is wrong, it is better to contact a specialist.

It is not difficult to call a specialist from our company – you just need to call number 8 (800) 600-30-23

A little earlier we talked about “a lot of interesting things”, so let’s get back to this conversation. We wrote about our advantages, and they will certainly be of interest to you:

  • Repair of refrigerators at home in Noginsk – a cozy, comfortable, home-made solution to problems with breakdowns.
  • Calling the master at home at any address in Noginsk is free – and the saved money is better to put aside for something more interesting, let it become the first contribution, say, to an interesting trip.
  • Guarantee for all works – your peace of mind for the result of our work. The coupon is issued in the form BO-1. The warranty period can last up to 3 years.
  • Fault Diagnosis – we will find even the most complex and hidden damage.
  • If you order repairs from us, then diagnostics is free.
  • By the way, how do you like our work schedule: from 8.00 to 23.00? But, still the same We work DAILY – without days off and holidays. Call any day and any hour within the schedule.
  • And also we have always have all the parts in stock for all refrigerators. Even if you have the rarest model, this does not mean that we will not find spare parts for it.
  • And all this because we are repairing ALL types of refrigerators: domestic, expensive, new, imported, old, cheap, with one or two compressors, etc.
  • Attractive prices for repairs. Maybe they are not as funny as those of the bush masters, but our work is much better. Moreover, there are also discounts and promotions.
  • Professional craftsmen – we are not talking about experienced drunken veterans of the times of the Soviet housing and communal services, but about competent and highly qualified professional craftsmen.

By the way, about the masters, right on our website, right on this page, we will arrange for you to get acquainted with one of them. Attention, we present you our best master in Noginsk:

Ostapenko Vasily Leonidovich

Vasily Leonidovich worked with us for 3 years, repaired several thousand refrigerators and earned an excellent reputation. This master is not young, but due to this he is very experienced. Let him be deprived of youth ambitions, but he has wisdom, accuracy, sedateness – the main advantages of the golden age. In the hands of Vasily Leonidovich, not a single refrigerator has “died” yet – everything is being repaired by him. And Vasily is very fond of our customers, they call and thank him all the time.

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