Repair of household refrigerators in Monino from “BYTTEHSERVICE”
Oh, this renovation! This is the first thing that often comes to mind when the refrigerator breaks down. We subconsciously do not like repairs and, knowing how troublesome, long and expensive it is, we dislike this process. And, in vain. Repair makes our life better, more beautiful, saves us from unnecessary expenses and problems. When repairing household appliances, electronics, an apartment, we are nervous, but you must admit that the result is always pleasing.
Yes, it is also important that the master was good. You don’t even have to worry about this if your refrigerator is broken, because you have already visited our website. When you find out what wonderful craftsmen we have, services and prices, you may want to order repairs from us.
“BYTTEHSERVICE” is a company with five years of experience in Monino and an excellent reputation, which is confirmed by a lot of positive customer reviews.
In order for the repair to be completed as quickly as possible, and for you to soon forget about this sad trouble, it would be nice if, when ordering a repair from us, you named the problem that happened to your device. In this case, the master will take with him not only standard equipment and spare parts, but also those parts that are needed to repair your particular refrigerator. So, in Monino, our customers most often complain about such problems of refrigerators:
- Problematic operation of the chambers: there is no cold in the main chamber or the freezer does not freeze, only one chamber works, more often the freezer, an unpleasant smell in the chambers, water accumulates, frost, ice or snow freeze (“snow coat”).
- Problematic functioning of the motor-compressor: noisy operation of the unit, abnormal operation cycle – it works for a long time and rests little, the compressor does not turn off, lost performance – does not work.
- Problems related to the operation of the electronic control panel – limited operation of the panel – some buttons are not pressed, the screen does not work. An error code can be displayed on the electronic scoreboard, the red indicator “Attention!” Is on, and in imported models it is Alarm.
- The refrigerator is leaking, the refrigerator does not turn on, the door open signal is constantly heard, food freezes in the main chamber, the refrigerator does not defrost, problems with the super freeze function and other difficulties in the operation of your refrigerator.
If at least one problem relates to your refrigerator, then it is not recommended to hesitate – it is better to call the wizard as soon as possible in order to prevent the problem from worsening.
By the way, the master can be called by number: +8 (800) 600-30-23
Moreover, by the above number you can get absolutely free consultations on the operation and repair of your refrigeration appliance.
In Monino you can find our workshop at: Komsomolskaya street, 11.
Refrigerator repair price list
Also in Monino, we provide you with the following benefits of cooperation with us:
- Repair of refrigerators at home in Monino – 99% of breakdowns can be eliminated without taking the device out of the apartment, which is not only convenient, but also beneficial, since you do not need to spend money on transportation and wait for repairs in the workshop – there, as a rule, it is not done quickly.
- Calling the master to the house in Monino is free – at any address “for no reason” you can call an excellent specialist.
- Fault Diagnosis – we will not give a breakdown a chance and will identify its cause quickly.
- If you order repair services from us, you will use the bonus – free diagnostics.
- Warranty for all services, works and spare parts – we issue a warranty card in the form of BO-1, and for a very decent period, from 3 months up to 3 years warranty.
- Loyal work schedule I work from 8.00:23.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m, and we work every day without holidays and weekends, without holidays and rediscounts.
- You can apply with us Maintenance – TO will provide you with a full service from our company.
- ALWAYS in stock all the necessary spare parts for any models of refrigerators – yes, for any, because we also We repair all types of refrigerators.
- Order if necessary urgent repair of refrigerators and make sure we fix really fast.
- Our team is professional, competent and unrealistically skilled craftsmen, which will give odds to all private traders and service centers.
- The most profitable, honest and reasonable prices – get acquainted with the price list right now.
And finally, a few words about one of our specialists – our best master in Monino, whom many of you may soon see on the threshold of your apartment:
Kapinosov Artem Sergeevich
Master Artem is an experienced craftsman, a competent craftsman, an amazing craftsman, you can’t say otherwise. He is characterized by an amazing speed of work, and one should not even talk about ingenuity and ingenuity in his work – all these qualities are well developed in him. His repair is top notch, which always arouses admiration, because after his hands any device is “reborn” and is ready to work for many more years. About time – the master Artem has been working with us for more than three years, and has been repairing household appliances for more than 15 years. His experience is always in his favor – he can fix any old domestic refrigerator, and thanks to several stages of advanced training, he perfectly repairs new imported models, perfectly sorting through all the electronics in such refrigerators. Whatever breaks, this master will in any case get to work, because “there is no unrepairable” – this is exactly what Artem Sergeevich says.
We also have some recent reviews of his work: