Are you interested in home renovation? Do you need quality repairs? Are you interested in the highest service? Do you trust a company with experience? Looking for qualified professionals?
Then you to us! And urgently, while the refrigerator can be “saved” as cheaply and quickly as possible. How quickly you call the wizard will depend on such an important factor as buying a new refrigerator. The sooner you neutralize the problem, the longer the unit will work. Well, if it so happened that you were a little late with the call of the master, then do not worry, because we can fix any breakdown. And all because we:
- We repair at home.
- We do quality work.
- We provide a high level service.
- We have 5 years experience.
- We hire only professionals.
Below we provide a list of those refrigerator problems that are most often addressed to us in Lyubertsy:
- No frost in the freezer.
- The control panel does not work.
- There is no cold in the refrigerator compartment.
- Malfunction of the No Frost function.
- Breakdown of the electronic scoreboard.
- Incorrect operation of thermal sensors.
- Refrigerator leaked.
- The cells smell bad.
- Snow, ice or hoarfrost freezes on the evaporator and chamber walls.
- The refrigerator (compressor) is too loud – it rings, rattles, knocks, clanks and makes other sounds.
- Sounds like an open door.
- The refrigerator gets hot, especially on the top and sides.
- Food spoils in the refrigerator.
- The super freeze function does not work.
- The red light “Attention” is on – in imported refrigerators “Alarm”.
If you find at least one of the problems listed above with your refrigerator, it is in your interest to fix it as soon as possible, thereby giving the refrigerator a chance to serve you even longer. You can easily call the master by dialing the phone number: +8 (800) 600-30-23
Refrigerator repair price list
By the way, do you know what we are so fond of the residents of the city of Lyubertsy? No, not with their sweet speeches and loud promises, but simply with their advantages – simple principles of successful work that you cannot help but like:
- Repair of refrigerators at home in Lyubertsy – with comfort, without transportation and unnecessary waste of precious time, since the master comes directly to your home, and 95% of breakdowns are fixed at home.
- Departure of the master at home in Lyubertsy free – in addition to convenience, you also get a nice cost savings.
- Accurate diagnosis – a simple procedure helps to determine with 100% accuracy the cause of the breakdown in order to eliminate it as efficiently as possible.
- Free diagnostics when ordering repairs – another bonus to your wallet.
- Always and at any time with us any spare parts available to your refrigerators, which reduces the time for appliance repair to one visit of the master to your home.
- Warranty on all work and parts in the form of BO-1. The warranty period is up to three years – you can be calm about the serviceability of your unit, if a mistake is made, it will be quickly eliminated.
- Possibility of registration in our company.
- Working hours from 8.00 to 23.00 – now only you decide when the master will come to you. Moreover, you choose not only the time of day, but also the day, because we work 365 days a year – without a single day off.
- Acceptable prices – check out the price list and judge for yourself how loyal we are in our prices.
- Competent specialists – professionals, masters of their craft, qualified personnel and a lot of epithets can be picked up when talking about our masters.
- Repair of ALL types of refrigerators: whether your unit is domestic or imported, we will fix it in any case, regardless of the year of manufacture or the nature of the malfunction.
By the way, if you want to see our work in person, now you have the opportunity to visit us “on the light” in Lyubertsy at:
Moscow region, Lyubertsy, st. Volkovskaya, 49
If you are interested, you can take a couple of minutes of your time and get acquainted with one of our specialists, who has a large number of repaired refrigerators in Lyubertsy, and what is there in Lyubertsy! – throughout the Russian Federation.
Pivovarov Oleg Daniilovich
Few in Lyubertsy know Oleg, because he lives here, exactly as long as he works with us – 3 years. This master traveled all over the country, repairing household appliances. The master is a vocation, Oleg believes, not recognizing this occupation as a form of earnings. This person is still of that hardening – when they did not work for the sake of money. This made him such a person – good-natured, sympathetic, and most importantly – punctual and efficient. As you can see, fate rewarded this man with all the qualities of a master, and most importantly, he gave him “golden” hands who repair the refrigerator in simple and rich houses, in lonely pensioners and in noisy student dormitories, in small rooms and in large companies. Oleg does not avoid work – he loves it, and if you see exactly this master on the threshold of your house, then know that the refrigerator is destined to be repaired.
I want to thank the company “BYTTEHSERVIS” for the first-class repair. I never thought that in Lyubertsy you can stumble upon a service that you will only see in the capital. Good company and good craftsman. Thank you