Very often, patients who have condylomas, papillomas or warts become patients of dermatologists. These skin diseases are provoked by the human papillomavirus. The virus itself does not pose a direct threat to life, but therapy aimed at its destruction should be comprehensive. In addition to drugs used for local effects on the formation on the skin, it is necessary to take complexes that increase the protective properties of the body. It is against the background of a decrease in immunity that a person becomes infected with a virus.
Why should warts be treated? Firstly, the virus can begin to actively develop, affecting an increasing area of the skin. Secondly, neoplasms can bring pain and discomfort, limit movement. Another important aspect is psychological: a person begins to be embarrassed by his appearance, he develops complexes and the level of dissatisfaction with himself increases.
Features of the development of HPV in the body
The human papillomavirus (HPV) infects 70% of the world’s population. But not in all people the disease reaches the active phase – strong immunity, the absence of chronic diseases and favorable living conditions contribute to its “preservation”.
The virus genes are able to penetrate into the nucleus of epithelial cells, as a result of which a kind of reprogramming occurs – the cells begin to actively produce a protein that pathogenically affects the skin condition. The number of affected cells begins to increase and the growth grows in size. In other words, we can say that the action of the virus is aimed at modifying epithelial cells.
Therefore, the main goal of local therapy is the destruction of infected cells. Today, dermatologists are increasingly recommending Solcoderm to their patients as an effective means of combating warts.
More about the drug
“Solcoderm” is a drug used for the local treatment of certain skin diseases, including genital warts. The main active ingredients are acids (lactic, nitric, oxalic and acetic). It also contains copper nitrate.
When the drug is applied to the affected areas of the epidermis, the process of oxidation of nitric acid begins. The protein coat of the virus collapses under the action of acids, and the pathogen itself dies. As a result, the cells affected by the virus die and are rejected by healthy tissue.
It is important to know that when applying the drug to healthy skin, a chemical burn occurs. Therefore, Solcoderm therapy should be carried out on an outpatient basis. In the case of home treatment, the patient must be informed of all the risks. It is not allowed to self-apply the drug to the growths formed on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, the oral cavity or near the eyes – this can cause serious consequences.
Technique for removing genital warts “Solcoderm”
The procedure for removing growths can be performed on the day the patient contacts a dermatologist. If it is necessary to collect additional tests, the day and time of cauterization is determined by the specialist upon receipt of the research results.
The sequence of removal of warts “Solcoderm”:
- The patient lies or sits down on a couch and exposes areas of the body affected by the human papillomavirus. The skin in this area must be clean and dry;
- The skin around the condyloma is treated with alcohol or another disinfectant;
- To prevent the formation of acid burns of the skin around the growths, a greasy cream is applied to it. At the same time, it is important to avoid getting the cream on the condyloma itself – this will reduce the effectiveness of Solcoderm;
- On small outgrowths, the drug is applied with the sharp end of the applicator sold with the drug, on large ones – with the blunt end of the applicator;
- Large growths are processed in stages.
The effect of the drug becomes noticeable after a few minutes – the color of the condyloma changes from pink to white-gray. If such a phenomenon is not observed, it is recommended to wait 20 minutes from the moment of the first application of the drug and repeat the procedure again.
If the patient has a skin disease at the initial stage of development, then 1-2 procedures are enough to completely remove the growths. The break between applications of Solcoderm is 21-28 days. In the presence of extensive growths and damage to a significant part of the skin, the number of procedures increases to 4-6.
It is important not to try to remove the cauterized parts of warts prematurely – this threatens to infect the wound with infection or deep scars. The crust disappears on its own 7-10 days after the procedure for applying the acid preparation.
The main advantages of the drug are affordable cost and high efficiency.
Contra-indications and limitations
The drug is not used in the treatment of pregnant women, since there is no reliable data on the ability of its components to penetrate into the blood and their effect on the developing fetus. Nursing mothers who have undergone the Solcoderm warts removal procedure are recommended to transfer the child to artificial feeding for the next day.
For patients diagnosed with cancer, especially at the stage of metastasis, a different method of treating skin growths is selected. The same restrictions apply to people with ulcerative skin lesions in close proximity to warts or a tendency to deep scarring.
In case of an overdose or violations of the application technology, acids corrode healthy tissue, resulting in a deep ulcer that requires symptomatic treatment.
Some patients may experience quite severe pain when applying Solcoderm. In such cases, local anesthesia may be appropriate. After the outpatient procedure, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the skin around the growth with a nourishing cream for 3-7 days.