Removal of warts by radio wave method

Each of us, and especially women, dream of having skin like that of a porcelain doll, without any kind of rashes, moles and growths. And if moles can become a highlight of a person, then usually everyone wants to get rid of various neoplasms on the skin, since they can not only cause discomfort and interfere, but also make you feel a sense of constraint and shame. One of these defects of our skin is the presence of warts, papillomas and condylomas.

We monitor immunity

The appearance of warts, papillomas and condylomas on the skin indicates the activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. It is activation, because according to statistics, 7 out of 10 people are carriers of HPV to one degree or another. Until a certain time, you do not know about it. However, as soon as for some reason your immunity decreases, an unpleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a growth on the skin or mucous membrane.

One of the most common manifestations of infection is genital warts. They are located, most often, on the genitals, while in women this is not limited to the labia, neoplasms are often found in the vagina and on the cervix. Also, the occurrence is possible near the perineum or anus, on the armpits and face, sometimes even in the mouth. This type is characterized by a chronic course and frequent relapses. Condyloma looks like a process on a leg, usually flesh-colored. However, they can grow, forming massive colonies that look like cauliflower.

Papillomas and condylomas may not cause discomfort, destruction is not carried out, and a person can live with single growths all his life. However, they should not be considered so harmless. If possible, doctors still recommend getting rid of them, since they are at risk and, under adverse circumstances, can degenerate into a malignant formation.

In addition, condylomas should be removed if they bring significant inconvenience to the patient, have sprouted into the internal organs or are located in the larynx, there is a risk of infection due to damage to the neoplasm, when the doctor diagnoses condylomatosis and damage to a large area of ​​skin or mucous. Also, when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to get rid of growths if they are located in the intimate area. Indications are also received by patients in whom a virus with a high degree of oncogenicity is detected in the blood.

Radio wave method as the most gentle for the removal of genital warts

One of the most effective methods of combating warts is to remove them using high frequency radio waves from 2,4 to 4 MHz. The procedure is performed using a special apparatus that converts electric current. At the same time, the doctor can independently set the shape and power of the necessary wave, which helps to successfully deal with different degrees of skin damage, and the intervention, thus, becomes more accurate and accurate.

This device is small and easy to use. Its design provides for a handle with a loop at the end, the so-called radio knife, which is used by a specialist. The removal of the build-up occurs without direct contact with it, although outwardly it looks like a cut.

In addition to the above, this method of fixing the problem has many other advantages. For example, due to the lack of skin contact with the device and its disinfecting properties, infection in the wound and the development of the inflammatory process are minimized. Therefore, recovery is faster. Also, this procedure is absolutely bloodless, since small blood vessels are sealed. As a result, bleeding is completely absent.

In addition, this is one of the most optimal methods to obtain a sample if necessary for a histological examination. At the same time, the procedure is almost completely painless, the tissues are not injured or burned, there is no scar, and a special postoperative period is practically not required.

Preparation for radiosurgical removal of genital warts is also not needed, it can be carried out immediately after a doctor’s appointment. To prevent discomfort, the patient is given local anesthesia with anesthetic gels or injections. The doctor acts on the neoplasm with a radio wave for about 30 s. This is enough for the removal efficiency to be 90%, and the probability of recurrence from 2 to 5%. Considering all the advantages of this method, it really is the most sparing warts for dealing with the problem.

Postoperative wound care

Since the use of radio waves is a low-traumatic procedure, the healing of the wound takes place without any problems and complications. Here are some recommendations that doctors usually give to patients:

  • gently clean the surface with warm soapy water;
  • do not use cosmetics;
  • do not rub the damaged area;
  • for 2-4 days, use and regularly change the bandage with the prescribed ointment;
  • avoid the sun and solarium;
  • do not visit baths and saunas.

Here, in fact, are all the tricks, after which the wound should heal with a thin crust, which should soon fall off by itself. At first, the renewed skin will have a pinkish color, but gradually it will not stand out, and nothing will remind you of the presence of warts in this place.

In addition, since the appearance of the process occurs due to the presence of a virus in the body, the doctor may additionally prescribe medication to prevent the recurrence of neoplasms. The most commonly prescribed drugs that increase immunity, and antiviral.

Contraindications to the use of radio waves

It should be noted that there are a number of contraindications to the use of this procedure or to its deposition. So, for example, it is impossible to carry out radio wave removal of genital warts for pregnant and lactating mothers. People with any type of diabetes will also not be able to use this technique, as exposure to radio waves is undesirable for them.

Pulmonary, renal, hepatic and heart failure, epilepsy and glaucoma of the eyes, chronic hepatitis and the presence of an infectious disease of the skin, as well as oncology fall under the list of diseases for which the use of radiosurgical intervention is contraindicated.

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